Customer identity and access management (CIAM) is a major topic in business today and with good reason: if your clientele doesn’t feel secure using your products and services, they probably aren’t going to engage at all. CIAM solutions include Single Sign-On and Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication, among others. Read on to learn more.

Scaling to Meet Demand: Why Customer Experience Needs Modern CIAM

Throughout the pandemic, offline channels have been especially vulnerable to uncertain demand, shifting safety guidelines, and economic pressure—and as a result, customer experience (CX) now largely belongs to the virtual world. However, as customers and citizens rely increasingly on digital and remote operations, organisations will be challenged…

The Future of Customer Identity: 4 CIAM Trends to Watch Out For

Technology moves fast. You know better than anyone that the solutions that were implemented a year ago won’t necessarily work today, and that customers continuously expect more refined standards of service. To lead the pack, you need to provide customers with the right balance of usability and security—seamless, intuitive digital experiences that…

What Are ICAM and FICAM?

For organisations and government agencies alike, strong identity management is paramount. Millions of people share sensitive, personal information with commercial and public bodies every day, so companies and public sector agencies have a responsibility to secure their assets.  This is where ICAM and FICAM come in. What is ICAM? Identity,…

What Is an API?

API is an acronym that stands for “application programming interface,” and it allows apps to send information between each other. While there are numerous protocols and technologies involved, the underlying purpose of APIs is always the same: to let one piece of software communicate with another.  APIs (sometimes described as web services) work in…

Magic Links: Passwordless Login for Your Users

Magic links are a form of passwordless login. Instead of the user entering any login credentials to sign in, they are sent a URL with an embedded token via email, and sometimes via SMS. Once the user clicks that link to authenticate, they are redirected back to the application or system having successfully signed in—as if they used a “magic”…

What Is Social Login and Is It Worth Implementing?

Social login, also known as social sign-in or social sign-on, uses information from social networking sites to facilitate logins on third-party applications and platforms. The process is designed to simplify sign-in and registration experiences, providing a convenient alternative to mandatory account creation. For users, social login is a…

What Is Biometric Authentication?

Biometric authentication is a security process that compares a person’s characteristics to a stored set of biometric data in order to grant access to buildings, applications, systems, and more. With cybercrime, fraud, and identity theft on the rise, it’s more important than ever for businesses to help customers and employees verify their identity,…
