7 Key Data Privacy Laws for 2023

Compliance with data privacy law doesn’t just protect end users’ personal data—it also provides critical cyber security defenses for organizations. Employees and customers now expect the freedom to safely sign on from anywhere and companies are adopting and managing more cloud-based tools; meanwhile, data breaches continue to escalate in frequency…

Building a value framework for Identity

In the first blog in this series, I talked about how to build a business case for implementing a new Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution, though the principles involved are general ones that can be applied to any technology purchasing or services procurement decision. Here, I’ll take a deeper dive into one of the five steps in building a…

5 Key Lessons from The Okta Hybrid Work Report 2023

Yes, that’s right - another report speculating about the future of work! And before you say anything I can assure you, we have seen all of the buzzwords and trends in the press too: The introduction of the four-day-work week  The proliferation of AI and automation tools  The mass installation of executive hammocks in offices to support corporate…


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