The Advantages and Benefits of Single Sign-On (SSO)

Why is SSO so important? Single sign-on (SSO) is an increasingly useful tool for companies around the world. It allows all their employees, partners and customers to access the applications and services they need, all from one set of credentials. You may already know what SSO is, but do you know why it’s so important to thousands of businesses…

5 Ways a Modern Customer Identity Solution Can Help Your Business

In this post, we explore five ways a modern CIAM solution can help improve your customer experience and operational efficiency while strengthening your defences against surging cyberthreats. Robust security and seamless user-experience rarely go hand in hand. So if you want to build exceptional digital experiences for your customers, you need to…

What is the Role of IAM in Cloud Computing?

The post-Covid-19 business world doesn’t work without cloud computing, and cloud computing doesn’t work without IAM.  As the world reacted to the global pandemic back in 2020, organisations turned to technology to enable their workforce and respond rapidly to changing customer demands. Digital transformation roadmaps, originally plotted over…

Okta Concludes its Investigation Into the January 2022 Compromise

We have concluded our investigation into the January 2022 compromise of our third-party vendor. At the outset of our investigation, we focused on a five-day window of time, between January 16 and 21, when the third-party forensic firm, engaged by our vendor Sitel, indicated that the threat actor had access to their environment. Based on that…

Why Building Customer Identity Is More Difficult Than You Think

Building a customer identity solution in-house is an option that many organisations will likely consider, but is it the right choice? In this post, we explore how outsourcing your CIAM build can improve both the customer experience and operational performance of your business. The right customer identity and access management (CIAM) solution is a…


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