Customer identity and access management (CIAM) is a major topic in business today and with good reason: if your clientele doesn’t feel secure using your products and services, they probably aren’t going to engage at all. CIAM solutions include Single Sign-On and Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication, among others. Read on to learn more.

What to Look for in a Modern Customer Identity Solution

The right CIAM solution is an asset to any modern business, but how do we identify what makes good customer identity? In this post, we explore the key features and capabilities every modern CIAM solution should offer.  The right customer identity and access management (CIAM) solution is an asset to any business. It ensures every digital…

5 Ways a Modern Customer Identity Solution Can Help Your Business

In this post, we explore five ways a modern CIAM solution can help improve your customer experience and operational efficiency while strengthening your defences against surging cyberthreats. Robust security and seamless user-experience rarely go hand in hand. So if you want to build exceptional digital experiences for your customers, you need to…

Why Customer Identity Matters Now (More Than Ever)

Customer experience is critical for success in the digital era, and customer identity access management (CIAM) is the tool every organisation needs to transform their CX. But what makes CIAM so important and how does it help deliver seamless and secure experiences that keep customers happy Customers today are more demanding than ever before. They…

Next-Level Customer Experiences are Built on Digital Trust

What consumers expect from businesses that sell products and deliver services online is radically different today than it was even one or two short years ago. When pandemic-related shutdowns forced employers to embrace remote work, educators to adapt to distance learning, and shoppers to turn to digital channels, we all learned that we’re more…

5 Key Insights From the 2022 Digital Trust Report

The past two years have seen widespread and sweeping change that’s impacted every aspect of our lives. From how we work to where we travel — and what we need from governments, banks, retailers and healthcare providers — our expectations have been transformed. We’ve experienced a global health crisis, of course, but we’ve also lived through a…

Squareball: Okta’s 1st CIAM-Focused Premier Partner in DACH

Customer expectations seem to grow more demanding by the day. Big brands are championing seamless digital experiences and similar businesses are expected to follow suit. But ease of use alone isn’t enough. Customers also want companies to protect their personal data in a way that doesn’t add friction to their platform. To square these customer…

How Okta Helps the Royal Belgian Football Association Match a Golden Generation With a Golden Fan Experience

Today’s blog post comes from Koen Landsheere, IT Manager at the Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA), Belgium’s governing federation of football. By integrating Okta across customer and workforce identity environments, the RBFA elevated the fan experience with a single, personalised customer portal for all football needs, while strengthening…

Your Business Growth Depends on Customer Identity

A new era of business requires new methods for increasing revenue and accelerating business growth. The best way to do this? Leveraging modern technologies and tools. Providing customers with extraordinary digital experiences is more important than ever—and customer identity and access management (CIAM) is an essential component of this.  Today,…

Introducing Code Tycoon: A Developer-Inspired Game From Okta

As a software developer, it’s your job to build exciting applications and features. But more often than not, your time is spent fixing other people’s technical problems rather than focusing on the tasks that will drive the business forward. Raise your hand if you never again want to reset a password or help install a desktop program.  Those are…

CCPA vs. GDPR: Similarities and Differences Explained

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are laws that emerged to give individuals greater power over their personal information. Both regulate organisations that collect and use data in a variety of ways. A brief summary of the CCPA: Gives California residents increased transparency and control…
