Customer identity and access management (CIAM) is a major topic in business today and with good reason: if your clientele doesn’t feel secure using your products and services, they probably aren’t going to engage at all. CIAM solutions include Single Sign-On and Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication, among others. Read on to learn more.

What Is CIAM & Why Does It Matter?

To satisfy evolving customer demands and deliver the desirable digital experiences that keep customers coming back, many organisations now turn to customer identity and access management (CIAM) for a solution. But what is CIAM and why does it matter? In today’s rapidly evolving and highly interconnected digital world, identity and access…

Meet the Experts: Solving for Compliance Needs with IAM

By adopting a modern Identity strategy, organisations can support many critical initiatives—from boosting workforce productivity to streamlining end-user experiences.  Organisations that collect and store personal information are subject to a broad range of data protection and privacy laws that vary based on where in the world they conduct their…

Okta Customer Identity Cloud for SaaS Apps Explained

Win Business Customers with Enterprise-Ready Identity TL;DR: Okta has launched the Okta Customer Identity Cloud, powered by Auth0, with support for two use cases: Consumer Apps and SaaS Apps. This article explores the SaaS Apps use case and capabilities, as well as how product and engineering leaders can accelerate growth with an identity solution…

Winning Strategies for the Modern CMO

As a chief marketing officer, I’m obsessed with creating a great customer experience. From the moment someone discovers our brand, and hopefully continuing through a lifetime of loyalty, I want to build a unique, exceptional relationship with each of our customers.  That’s never been easy. But these days it’s more challenging than ever because the…

Why Seamless Customer Experiences Start With Stronger Auth

Customers today are demanding more from your digital platforms. They want safer, faster, and more seamless digital experiences, and they reserve their trust for the brands that can balance that scale between speed and security. In the most recent episode of Okta and Computer Weekly’s Identity Made Easy video podcast series, we explored how…

Four IAM Best Practices to Secure Customer Identity

61% of 2021 breaches involved credentials. Almost every company has employees, users, and/or customers who enjoy access to proprietary information and critical data. And while this information may not be accessible via direct links, they may still inadvertently gain access to content they shouldn’t have. These same companies often struggle with…

Security & User Experience: No More Compromises

No one enjoys making compromises. Yet, when it comes to developing new experiences for their customers, product teams are often forced to make trade-offs between security and user experience. This dilemma is fuelled by the evolving expectations of consumers. With brands like Amazon and AirBnB leading the way in digital experience, customers now…

Why Loginless is the Future of Authentication

It’s often said that familiarity breeds contempt. But psychological research reveals quite the opposite: the more people are exposed to something, the more they tend to like it — and the more likely they are to believe that it’s trustworthy and safe. This phenomenon may explain the persistence of the traditional username/password login box, which…

The 10 Step Customer Identity Strategy Checklist

Do you know exactly what it takes to build a Customer Identity strategy? Read our 10-step checklist to help guide you to CIAM success. In a world where customer experience has overtaken price and product as the key brand differentiator, investing in customer identity and access management (CIAM) is a wise choice for any forward-thinking business…
