FACT OR FICTION: SSO Is the Same as a Password Manager

    At Okta, we are highly invested in the latest ideas and practises around authentication and security—and that requires some myth busting. This blog is the first in a series of posts meant to tackle common misunderstandings and myths around Single Sign On. See below for our full list of the myths we've seen (and busted!) around SSO. Single…

What is ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services)?

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution created by Microsoft. As a component of Windows Server operating systems, it provides users with authenticated access to applications that are not capable of using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) through Active Directory (AD). Developed to provide flexibility,…

Understanding MFA Factors: You’re Not Using the Right Ones

With the rise in both the number and sophistication of today’s security threats, the benefits of multi-factor authentication (MFA) have become widely recognized, leading to increased adoption across enterprise and consumer apps. From a security standpoint, this is all good news. We know that passwords alone are not enough to secure your data, and…

What is Continuous Authentication?

Authentication is undoubtedly one of the most crucial aspects of cybersecurity today, but our understanding of how to verify users and their actions has been largely unchanged for decades. It always works the same: the user provides something they know (password), have (ID), or are (fingerprint) and if this input matches what the system knows…

7 Things to Consider Before Making the Switch to MFA

Passwords are hard. The (what feels like constantly) growing list of security requirements are intended to make passwords secure, but in many cases they’ve had the opposite effect. Complex passwords that meet all the requirements are often difficult to remember, so they’re reused across many sites. Users scribble them on sticky notes. They weave…

Decoding Customer IAM (CIAM) vs. IAM

The world of Identity and Access Management (IAM) is rarely controversial. But today, there is a battle brewing in how we - as an industry - talk about customer-facing use cases for IAM. Many are starting to refer to this as Customer IAM or Consumer IAM, both abbreviated as CIAM. CIAM does have some unique requirements. But that does not mean that…

The Importance of SSO in Enterprise IAM

In today’s identity management climate, single sign-on (SSO) capability is critical to the success of enterprise identity and access management (IAM). IT departments face growing demands: managing thousands of users, both internal and external, who each need access to an increasing number of cloud-based applications. Adding to this complexity is…

What is SCIM?

SCIM, or System for Cross-domain Identity Management, is an open standard that allows for the automation of user provisioning. It was created in 2011 as it became clear that the technology of the future would be cloud-based. SCIM communicates user identity data between identity providers (such as companies with multiple individual users) and…

MFA 101: Leaving Passwords Behind

Cloud technology is growing at unprecedented levels — and as a result businesses are changing the way they work, seeing an increasing number of employees use mobile devices to access both personal and work related information. While these changes enable workers to be more productive, they also bring security concerns for IT departments tasked with…


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