Putting Privacy First: Takeaways from RSA Conference 2020

What happens when you put hundreds of security professionals in a room? They come together to identify and discuss the emerging cybersecurity trends, challenges, and opportunities. At this year’s RSA Conference, the theme was “Human Element,” reminding us that every technology-related decision, innovation, and risk has direct impacts on…

What is Phishing?

In today’s increasingly digital environment, employees and contractors can sign into workplace applications and systems from anywhere with a simple set of credentials. And while this might make things easier for employees and contractors alike, it also puts organisations at heightened risk of a specific form of cybercrime: phishing. Designed to…

Passwordless authentication: where to start

Let’s face it: we’re all tired of passwords. They’re a major pain for users and not nearly as effective at securing accounts as they pretend to be. Thankfully, there is a better way! We are excited to announce a new set of passwordless capabilities in Okta that will allow you to deliver seamless auth experiences to all users! In this post, we’ll…

Shift Identity Left: Secure DevOps Automation with Okta

To keep up with the rapid pace of innovation, organisations of all kinds and sizes are adopting DevOps practices to better automate the delivery and operations of software in the cloud. A cultural phenomenon that impacts people and process as much as it does technology, DevOps brings teams together with the goal of removing barriers – the…

The Impact of Quantum Computing on Cybersecurity

Quantum computing is a fast-emerging area of computer science that is upending the foundations of cybersecurity. It’s set to change how we secure our everyday communications, process credit cards, store data, and securely connect to websites. But it’s also likely to disrupt modern security as we know it. What is quantum computing? Conventional…

What is Federation and Why Should Your Apps Support it?

In the days before widespread use of the web, a user would log into a single server (or a handful of servers) and only have to remember one or two passwords. Applications were assumed to be for a single user, and didn’t require login credentials. Then, as the internet began to gain popularity and applications begin to be run on the web, the number…

Putting the 8 Principles of Infrastructure Access into Practise

IT and security teams want to protect sensitive data and systems from online threats to preserve both the bottom line and their organisation’s reputation. This means securing access to cloud and on-prem infrastructure. But legacy techniques have largely failed users and IT administrators in this regard—it’s time for a modern approach. Why have…

Hello, Okta Advanced Server Access

We’re excited to launch Okta Advanced Server Access, a new product available today that brings continuous, contextual access management to secure cloud infrastructure. Advanced Server Access centralises access controls for organisations leveraging on-premises, hybrid, and cloud infrastructure in a seamless manner to mitigate the risk of credential…

What is WebAuthn?

In March 2019, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced that WebAuthn is now the official web standard for password-free login. With support from a broad set of applications (Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Mobile), widespread adoption of WebAuthn is expected in coming years. In this post, we will explore the shortcomings of current…


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