What is SCIM?

SCIM, or System for Cross-domain Identity Management, is an open standard that allows for the automation of user provisioning. It was created in 2011 as it became clear that the technology of the future would be cloud-based. SCIM communicates user identity data between identity providers (such as companies with multiple individual users) and…

MFA 101: Leaving Passwords Behind

Cloud technology is growing at unprecedented levels — and as a result businesses are changing the way they work, seeing an increasing number of employees use mobile devices to access both personal and work related information. While these changes enable workers to be more productive, they also bring security concerns for IT departments tasked with…

Meet Okta Adaptive MFA

We’re pleased to announce that our new product, Okta Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is generally available today. Okta Adaptive MFA, which companies can purchase as a standalone product, offers a broad set of easy-to-use factors combined with policy-driven contextual access management — all informed by data from our thousands of…


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