What Is SMS Authentication and Is It Secure?

SMS authentication—also known as SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA) and SMS one-time password (OTP)—allows users to verify their identities with a code that is sent to them via text message. A form of two-factor authentication, it often acts as a second verifier for users to gain access to a network, system, or application, and is a good…

What is Zero Trust Security?

Zero Trust security is a new strategy for keeping enterprise data secure, rooted in the idea that you can no longer rely on the network perimeter to assess trust. In a Zero Trust model, people are the new perimeter, and identity is the core of maintaining a secure environment. An evolving landscape Historically, organisations have kept their data…

What Is Identity Governance and Administration?

Identity governance and administration (IGA) is a policy-based approach to identity management and access control. As the name implies, IGA systems merge identity governance and identity administration to provide additional functionality beyond traditional identity and access management (IAM) tools. Particularly, they offer valuable support in…

What Is Vishing?

Vishing (or “voice phishing”) is a type of social engineering scam where an attacker tries to trick their target into surrendering sensitive data over the phone.  As with other social engineering attacks, these phone phishing scams prey upon human emotions—attackers often create false scenarios that cause panic (e.g., security alerts) or desire (e…

FREE NOW: Making remote work simple and secure for 1,300 employees with Okta

Can you think of a moment before 2020 when the words “in these unprecedented times” have been more widely used? Organisations all over the world are pushing their creativity to the limit to keep “business as usual” under very unusual circumstances. The coronavirus situation has impacted companies of every size, including FREE NOW, the multiservice…

What Is an API?

API is an acronym that stands for “application programming interface,” and it allows apps to send information between each other. While there are numerous protocols and technologies involved, the underlying purpose of APIs is always the same: to let one piece of software communicate with another.  APIs (sometimes described as web services) work in…


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