Turning customer data into insights with Identity

Understanding your customer is a golden rule you’ll find on the first page of any marketing primer. The better you know their needs, goals and challenges, the more effectively you can serve them with resonant content and messaging. But in today’s privacy-conscious times, capturing this information is getting trickier than ever. Third-party cookies…

How Okta simplifies NIS2 compliance: a deep dive

The newly updated NIS2 Directive marks a significant turning point in Europe’s fight against cybercrime. When organisations adhere to these regulations, they can reduce the risk of data leaks, safeguard sensitive information, and ensure the security of critical IT systems. Failure to comply, however, can lead to devastating financial penalties…

6 key steps to ensure your organisation is NIS2 compliant

The countdown to comply with the new Network and Information Systems (NIS2) Directive is well underway. At present, organisations in EU Member States have until 17 October 2024 to implement the relevant changes to their security systems and strategies. Failure to meet the requirements after this date could lead to fines of up to €10 million or 2%…

NIS2 and DORA: what are they, and how can Identity help compliance?

At the end of 2022, the European Parliament approved two new legislations: the second version of its Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2) and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). As of 18th October, 2024, EU Member States are required to adopt NIS2 measures, while DORA will be enforced on 17th January, 2025. Both of these…

Your on-the-go audio guide to Customer Identity is here.

60 books a year. Five books a week. 50 pages a day. That’s how much the average business leader is supposed to read [1] – and while it may not seem all that much on paper, the truth is that many of us (non-business leaders included) simply don’t have enough time in the day. After we’ve driven, worked, walked the dog, cooked, and cleaned, lying in…

Desktop MFA from Okta—Its time has come

The password has been much maligned since its creation, and deservedly so. Even Fernando Corbató, the MIT computer scientist who created the password, said it had become “kind of a nightmare.” However, Corbató could not have conceived of the hundreds of passwords we now use and the proliferation of complex rules to overcome the weakness of the…


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