Meet the Expert: Josh Pritchett

Connecting roughly 50 million unique users within a network of clinics, offices, practitioners, and specialists across the USA means securely storing extremely sensitive data—then sharing it with thousands of healthcare providers, partners, and vendors. This responsibility is embraced by the Okta customer facilitating this network, despite the…

Why Identity Is the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Resilient Digital Workplace

It might have started in the United States, but the Great Resignation is coming to Europe. According to IDC Research’s 2022 European Future of Work Survey, as many as one in every three employees within Europe is currently thinking about changing jobs. Even more would be open to the possibility if they were to receive an attractive offer. What’s…

Security & User Experience: No More Compromises

No one enjoys making compromises. Yet, when it comes to developing new experiences for their customers, product teams are often forced to make trade-offs between security and user experience. This dilemma is fuelled by the evolving expectations of consumers. With brands like Amazon and AirBnB leading the way in digital experience, customers now…

5 Key Takeaways From Forum22

Business leaders from across EMEA joined us at Forum22: Europe in London in June to explore how we build trust together in a digital-first world. Throughout the day, experts in identity, cybersecurity, data privacy, customer experience and more gave us a plethora of valuable insights and key strategies on how to build the secure, successful…

What Are Identity Risks and How Can They Be Mitigated?

IT security never gets easier. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, IT organisations have had to deal with constant, rapid change – from enabling a hybrid workforce to the mass adoption of cloud-based, SaaS tools and services. These shifts have moved employees and devices outside of the traditional security perimeter, making understanding who your…

How Does Identity Enhance Employee Experience?

Right now it seems as if everyone’s talking about the future of work. Will most companies follow in the footsteps of Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan and mandate their employees to return to the office on a full-time basis? Or will they adopt the more permissive approaches championed by tech companies like Twitter and Slack, and encourage people to work…

Should I Be Using Coarse- Or Fine-Grained Access Control?

Every business, from sole traders to the largest organisations, has to deal with data.   Internet users generate about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day: customer data, sales data, financial data, website statistics, and dozens of other types of business data likely sit bundled together on your servers. With all this information to manage,…

How Does Passwordless Authentication Improve UX?

They have formed the foundation of digital identity and security for half a century. Now the age of passwords is coming to an end. While it would be easy to just focus on how their demise impacts authentication and cybersecurity, in this blog we are going to look at what it means for user experience. Is passwordless authentication good for user…

Why Loginless is the Future of Authentication

It’s often said that familiarity breeds contempt. But psychological research reveals quite the opposite: the more people are exposed to something, the more they tend to like it — and the more likely they are to believe that it’s trustworthy and safe. This phenomenon may explain the persistence of the traditional username/password login box, which…

Keeping Your Applications Protected With a User Provisioning Policy

User provisioning has never been so important. The global pandemic has shifted employee expectations, and the emergence of highly distributed “work from anywhere” company cultures is changing the ebb and flow of the workforce. According to Slack, almost a third (29%) of UK workers are considering moving to a new job this year.  What’s more, 28% of…


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