
The marriage of user experience and security

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so everyone is talking about love — us included. Here at Okta, while we’re certainly swooning over roses, wine, and chocolates, what we really hold near and dear are our relationships with customers and the experiences they have with our technology. We obsess over uniting two seemingly divorced characteristics —…

School of Rock on #Oktane15: If You’re Like Me, There’s Plenty to Look Forward to at Oktane15

In this installment of our Oktane15 customer blog series, Sam Dresser, senior director of information strategy at School of Rock, waxes poetic about why he attends Oktane every year – and what it’s like to be an Okta groupie. If you’re at all like me, the thought of giving up a couple days of work sounds scary. And if you’re at all like me, you’re…

Doing Business In Europe? This EU Regulation Update Should Be On Your Radar

If you haven’t been following enterprise technology news in Europe, let us fill you in on a major announcement that will likely affect you if your organization is based in Europe, has operations in Europe, or handles data pertaining to EU residents. But first, some background. Late last month, the European Union (EU) announced the funding of a…

Getting the Most Out of the Cloud: Webcast with Okta, Netskope, Box and Universal Music Group on Thursday, June 26

It’s a wild, wild world when it comes to enterprise technology right now. Vendors are promising “faster, better, cheaper” versus the traditional systems of record, and analysts are constantly chattering about the “hypergrowth” of new technologies grabbing more IT spend globally. And with systems now designed to serve users instead of the other way…

How Businesses Can Put People First: Announcing the User-Centric IT Initiative

There’s a certain kind of satisfaction you get when you turn on your phone, tablet and computer, open an application and find it just works. Like when you select an icon and a cab appears at your location right when you need it. Or when you push a button and that photo of your brother’s graduation is instantly shared with all of your friends. Such…

Update from Okta - Heartbleed

You’ve likely read about the Heartbleed vulnerability that has affected much of the Internet. The short version: Heartbleed is a bug that affects the way online services encrypt connections between their service and their users, and if not corrected can lead to sensitive information being revealed. Most services and sites on the Internet use…

Building Trust and Security Through Transparency of Service

Transparency is a great way for cloud providers to demonstrate and prove good security practices to their customers. Often times, however, the transparency stops when outages or service hiccups occur. During an incident, how a cloud provider communicates to its customers says a lot. In a guest post for the Cloud Security Alliance, I discuss why…

Staying on the (Leading) Edge of Things at RSA

RSA can be intimidating for first-time attendees – and this year’s event was no different. Walking the exhibit floor (all 700,000 square feet of it) is nearly a full-day experience on its own. And when you consider the bright oversized logos and crowded aisles, loud conversations, booth crawls and tchotchkes galore, it can be overwhelming for the…

Top 10 Reasons Valentines are Like Passwords

Happy Valentine's Day from the Okta team! We've had some fun thinking about chocolate, flowers and all things Enterprise Identity Management and came up with the Top 10 11 reasons valentines are like passwords. Enjoy! You get in trouble if you use the wrong name Sharing isn't advisable Neither should be your dog If you break up, you lose access…
