Keeping You Safe in the Cloud is a Full-Time Job

Identity is at the center of cloud security. As a result, cloud identity and access management (IAM) is one of the most interesting – and critical – challenges in IT today. The rapid evolution of enterprise IT to the cloud has rendered on-premise identity solutions ineffective. With the acceleration of mobile device access, cloud business apps and…

Keeping Selenium Tests 100 Percent Blue

I spoke earlier this year at the San Francisco Selenium Meetup about how Okta's engineering team addresses test failures and keeps its tests 100 percent blue. In the video (embedded below), I describe the team's strategic iterations toward test automation accuracy, stability and maintainability.

Own Your Own Availability: Zero Downtime During the AWS Outage

The East Coast is still reeling from a powerful storm that swept through the region on Friday, but the storm’s effects reverberated beyond the devastation in the Mid-Atlantic. On Friday, a lighting storm partially knocked out one of Amazon’s AWS availability zones in Virginia — and companies all over the globe felt the pinch. Netflix, Instagram,…


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