Customer identity

A customer identity is a unique profile that requires a different set of solutions based on the problems each individual customer faces. That’s why Okta ensures our tools meet the needs of our customers, with custom integrations, user-directed roadmaps, and customer experience journeys to show you how others have benefitted from Okta. 

How Automated Onboarding Could Save Your Sanity

TL;DR: Giving users access to the tools they need is a challenge, and it’s getting tougher by the day. Automating that process could be the key to your success. Here’s why IT teams need automated provisioning, and how your own team can do it. IT departments today face two main challenges: The first is that people are changing jobs more often—at a…

Okta’s Annual 12 Days of Customers

As we prep our holiday shopping lists and pull out the festive sweaters, it’s almost time to look back on 2018. We want to use this season of reflection and cheer to showcase some of our many amazing customers. Our customers are the best gifts of all, so we’re celebrating with our annual 12 Days of Customers! JetBlue: The airline with a mission to…

One-Minute Webinar: Top Trends in CIAM

We recently delivered a webinar featuring Gartner research on the latest trends impacting customer identity and access management (CIAM). Gartner’s Research Vice President Mary Ruddy presented findings from her March 2018 research, Top 5 Trends in CIAM Solution Design. Discussion in the webinar included the challenges organizations face in keeping…

Keys to a Successful, Modern Migration Strategy

There is a revolution going on in IT and application development, and flexibility and efficiency are at the core of this change. Legacy systems cannot keep up, and the only way to maintain or thrive in this new environment is to buy, whole-heartedly, into modern IT options. Taking advantage of these modern options requires a move from an on…

Two Months In: How Are Companies Being Impacted by the GDPR?

Online data privacy has always been a controversial topic. The fact that users store data with third parties has demanded increased transparency on how these platforms actually store and process personal data. Data breaches resulting in compromised personal information have added fuel to the fire, proving that privacy concerns are warranted. These…

Are You Prepared to Secure Your Millennial Workforce?

If you do a little research to try and define millennials by date or age range, you will find many competing definitions. Some measure this generational category from the mid-1970s to 2000, others state 1996 is the end date, and few only consider someone to be a millennial if they were born after the mid-1980s. However, the one underlying…

How Secure is Social Login?

Social login gives application users the ability to apply existing login information from their social media accounts to register and sign into third-party sites. But before we jump into the topic of whether social login is secure or not, let’s answer the question below. Do users really want social login? (Spoiler alert: Yes!) From a user’s point…

4 Guidelines that will Increase Data Security for Your Customers

User data security has been in the spotlight for years now. It seems like every week, if not every day, brings a report of a new breach or vulnerability discovered. From Target to Equifax JP Morgan Chase, it’s a scary world out there, and for many teams, the path to secure customer identity is vast, complicated, and difficult to navigate. A few…

What is Secure Customer Identity (aka User Management)?

In the modern app ecosystem, virtually every application leverages identity to provide customized and secure user experiences. Customer identity and access management (CIAM), also known as secure user management, or secure customer identity, is the system an application deploys to determine who a user is, and what information they have access to…
