Decoding Customer IAM (CIAM) vs. IAM

The world of Identity and Access Management (IAM) is rarely controversial. But today, there is a battle brewing in how we - as an industry - talk about customer-facing use cases for IAM. Many are starting to refer to this as Customer IAM or Consumer IAM, both abbreviated as CIAM. CIAM does have some unique requirements. But that does not mean that…

The Importance of SSO in Enterprise IAM

In today’s identity management climate, single sign-on (SSO) capability is critical to the success of enterprise identity and access management (IAM). IT departments face growing demands: managing thousands of users, both internal and external, who each need access to an increasing number of cloud-based applications. Adding to this complexity is…

3 Important Security Trends Affecting Cloud Identity

The fast-changing world of cybersecurity can be complex, with plenty of news to sort through to find out what will affect IT systems in the months—and years—to come. In terms of cloud identity, zooming out to see the big picture reveals three particular trends that are poised to make a huge impact on security: the Internet of Things (IoT), Big…

What is SCIM?

SCIM, or System for Cross-domain Identity Management, is an open standard that allows for the automation of user provisioning. It was created in 2011 as it became clear that the technology of the future would be cloud-based. SCIM communicates user identity data between identity providers (such as companies with multiple individual users) and…

Reflecting on 2016

In 2016, we heard resoundingly from you — our customers — that you’re responsible for leading disruptive change within your businesses. You’re unifying your organisations, building closer relationships with your customers and partners, dreaming up brand new products and rethinking your businesses models with technology. Your missions and work are…

5 Thoughts on How Identity Management Can Accelerate Digital Transformation

Enterprises are increasingly turning to digital transformation to make employees more productive and deliver new experiences to customers, however applying legacy technology for these use cases often takes too long. According to our most recent research with IDG, this balancing act can be difficult to scale. In the study, we asked IT leaders to…


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