Is Your Product Enterprise-Ready? (Part 1: Enterprise Authentication)

For many companies, creating an “enterprise-grade” product is the ultimate dream: Build an early version to fit smaller organisations’ requirements, demonstrate market viability and, finally, scale to larger customers. To be sure, that process of building an enterprise-grade SaaS product – and growing into a stable company that can support it – is…

4 Ways to Simplify Authentication for Your Users

Authentication can be one of the most significant sources of friction for your application’s users. This usability barrier can impact adoption of your product, increase the burden on support operations or product administrators and, in some cases, degrade security. At Okta, we spend a lot of time working with developers to design and build better…

A Mobile World With An Identity Core: Okta Launches New Mobility Features

At Andreessen Horowitz’s recent annual investor meeting, Benedict Evans delivered a presentation titled “mobile is eating the world.” In it, he pointed out that mobile isn’t just “mobile” anymore – we use mobile devices everywhere, not just while we’re on the move. At Okta, we’ve always been very mindful about simplifying and securing the end-to…


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