Why 3 Companies Moved Away from Active Directory

With ever-growing networks of employees, contractors, and partners working remotely across devices, organisations are trading Microsoft Active Directory (AD) for Okta Universal Directory (UD). Why? Because UD can easily keep up with companies’ evolving directory and access management needs. Impossible? Read this infographic to see how AD was…

User Management: An Afterthought for Some, Prerequisite for Others

You’ve just adopted a new service! Great! But no one is using it. Why not? It appears that no one has access to the application, so no one wants to create a new account with a new set of credentials. Even worse, the team who created the system failed to port over all the users. Would you want to use such a system? This scenario may sound odd, but…

Top Organisations Are Automating Identity With Okta Workflows

More than ever, IT teams need automation to effectively manage their increasingly complex identity tasks—especially as their networks of end-users grow. And without the time or money to build these capabilities in-house, many are turning to modern, low-  to no-code solutions. Check out the infographic below to learn how three Okta customers have…


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