What Could a Passwordless Workplace Look Like?

Passwords have been a constant throughout our digital “coming of age”. As we’ve moved from desktops to smartphones, from on-premises infrastructure to cloud services, we’ve all relied on passwords to access and safeguard our data and resources. Passwords are so deeply ingrained into our web apps and accounts, it can be challenging to imagine…

WebAuthn, the Road to Passwordless, and Other Considerations

Passwords. Most of us have a love-hate relationship with them. Security best practices and common sense tells us to pick unique, hard-to-guess passwords for every account, which makes management of them a pain, or leads to bad password habits like reusing them. Then there’s the inherent security of passwords, or rather, the insecurity of them. As…

A Data Breach Risk Assessment Checklist

When it comes to data security, there’s no such thing as too big to fail. Chances are, if you’ve switched on the news recently you’ve heard of at least one high-profile data breach. Perhaps of even greater concern is that a few large organisations have fallen victim to multiple data breaches in the past few years. This is a surefire sign that…


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