How Okta Delivers a Zero Trust Solution for Customers

The traditional workspace is a thing of the past. Employees need to stay productive whether they are working from the office, home, or a coffee shop – any location with access to the internet could be a potential workspace. This trend in work habits is largely due to the increased adoption of cloud applications in the enterprise – whether you have…

A Day in the Life of a Hacker with Matias Brutti

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness month, but for hackers, every day is spent staying aware of new cybersecurity threats. We were excited to sit down with Matias Brutti, Okta’s senior manager of research and exploitation, whose team spends time hacking to keep Okta’s customers safe from any potential vulnerabilities. Read on to see how…

Empowering You to Build Identity Into Every Customer Experience

You can’t go far without hearing an industry expert, executive or vendor talk about “digital transformation” and how “software is eating the world.” Whether or not you’re a fan of the buzzwords or phrases, it’s essential that every company starts to think and act like a software company to remain competitive and relevant. Regardless of your…

Oktane17: Identity for You

The pace of innovation today is relentless and accelerating, which makes staying up-to-date on the latest solutions that will help your employees be more productive, protect your business and increase your bottom line almost impossible. And that pace isn’t slowing down anytime soon. IDC predicts the cloud software market will be $152B by 2020 —…

How Companies Need to Set Up Privileged Access Management

Let’s face it—your network is under attack. You might not know who, you might not know when, but you do know that they are coming. The Petya ransomware, WannaCry, and Democratic National Committee email hacks all point to the fact that network security breaches are here to stay. A large breach of sensitive information (like the ones at Target and…

Using Okta Adaptive MFA for PCI 3.2

PCI DSS, or the Payment Credit Industry Data Security Standard, is an industry regulation that applies to any company that accepts credit cards for payments processing. The goal of the standard is to establish best practices in securing consumer information to prevent broad scale breaches of credit card and personal information. As identity is a…

What's Next in the Evolution of Password Management?

Since the early days of computing, users have inputted passwords to prove their identities. Today, as computers have progressed to something in everyone's pocket, password management is changing. No longer is having memorized an over-long string of numbers and letters the hallmark of a sophisticated user. Instead, authentication at the cutting…


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