Contextual Access Management: What Does It Actually Mean?

Today’s teams get the job done from wherever they need to and on whichever device they prefer. Their workplace may be within the traditional office environment, but it can also be at home, in a coffee shop, at a client site, or even a combination of these on any given day. The range of endpoints teams use—whether a laptop, a tablet, a mobile phone…

How Secure is Your VPN?

Operating a corporate VPN solution can be expensive, and sometimes feel like navigating a minefield. With high stakes and a confusing sea of available solutions, mistakes are frequent and costly. Your VPN is a critical layer of defence in your corporate network, and intrusion can have serious consequences. Take the Target and Home Depot breaches…

Security + Machine Learning: It’s No Silver Bullet

Gartner currently lists machine learning at the top of its hype cycle. The market is awash with products that claim to have built a better mousetrap, that better solve common problems. While the promise of machine learning is proven, what does this new approach hold for cybersecurity? Is this a silver bullet or just more lead? Even today, spam…

Is Passwordless Authentication Actually Secure?

Passwords are frustrating. We know they should be unique, but then they’re hard to remember. We know they should be complex, but then they’re even harder to remember and painful to create. Password managers mostly solve the problem for those savvy enough to use them and determined enough to set them up, but for the majority of the population, it’s…

It’s a New World with WebAuthn: Passwordless Authentication Goes Primetime

The vision of a secure, passwordless experience on the web has long been on the minds of security professionals and password-fatigued users. An open standard called Web Authentication (or “WebAuthn”) is rapidly progressing towards achieving that vision after hitting a major milestone this week. Specifically, on April 10 the World Wide Web…

Multi-factor Authentication: Because Phishing Happens

You’re at your desk, neck deep in deadlines (because aren’t we all) and suddenly, a notification appears. You have new mail! At first glance, it looks like the mundane Microsoft service notification email you usually ignore. Then, a moment of panic. What?! They’ve blocked my email?!? I need that! I have important things to do! You scroll quickly…

Opening Up Pathways into Tech

Last spring, Okta opened its doors to local students and jobseekers for our inaugural Tech Week. Our global teams – from San Jose to Sydney – hosted career workshops and mentoring sessions for more than 200 visitors from tech education and workforce development nonprofits in our local communities. We learned a few things from this effort: Opening…

5 Identity Attacks That Exploit Your Broken Authentication

Traditional authentication methods that rely on usernames and password integrity are widely considered to be broken. In fact, “Broken Authentication” sits at #2 in the OWASP Top 10 for application security risks. As organisations begin to move more sensitive data to cloud apps to take advantage of the productivity gains, the traditional perimeter…

What is Continuous Authentication?

Authentication is undoubtedly one of the most crucial aspects of cybersecurity today, but our understanding of how to verify users and their actions has been largely unchanged for decades. It always works the same: the user provides something they know (password), have (ID), or are (fingerprint) and if this input matches what the system knows…

Integration Spotlight: Okta + Microsoft

Okta and Microsoft share thousands of common customers, and millions of common users. Countless have approached us with questions on Okta’s integrations and partnership with Microsoft. “Will Okta work with my Microsoft Windows 10?” “Should I buy Azure AD Premium to get some of the newer security features?” Or, “How can I justify spending on an…


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