How Okta Helps You Comply with PCI-DSS 3.2

As organisations continue to move critical services into the cloud, having strong, centralised identity becomes the foundation of a holistic security strategy. Continuing our efforts to support customers who use Okta to protect Cardholder Data Environments, we are pleased to announce that Okta has released a PCI-DSS Attestation of Compliance (AOC)…

3 Quick Ways to Increase Customer Data Security

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful customer relationship and organisations now have more opportunities than ever to gain that trust. In today’s interconnected world, companies are constantly handling sensitive customer data—and how they use and secure that data plays a huge role in determining the trust customers place in them. A breach…

Taking a Risk-Based Approach to Biometrics

Biometric authentication — using the unique biological characteristics of an individual to verify their identity — has been around since the dawn of humankind. Think about it: humans use facial and voice recognition every day to identify each other. Signature recognition came about when the first contracts were originally created, and fingerprints…

What is ADFS?

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution created by Microsoft. As a component of Windows Server operating systems, it provides users with authenticated access to applications that are not capable of using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) through Active Directory (AD). Developed to provide flexibility,…

Use Behavior and Context to Secure Access

The traditional perimeter which protected IT assets on the corporate network has become irrelevant. The proliferation of cloud-based services, such as email and online file sharing, being used to augment conventional in-house IT systems, and the rise of mobility where remote access from anywhere is required by your employees, partners and even…

Announcing Business Authentication – Add Sign In with Okta to Your Apps

You’ve most likely heard of (and experienced) social logins before. When signing up for a new website or app, instead of going through a tedious registration process, you’re given the option to use existing Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or LinkedIn credentials to gain access. This gives you access to more applications, without adding the burden of…

Let’s (Finally) Say Goodbye to Passwords

Finding the right authentication technology can be challenging. Companies strive for a solution that achieves the lowest risk of unauthorised access to their businesses' data, be that in the form of sensitive GDPR- and HIPAA-protected information or highly-confidential collateral stored in globally-distributed databases, without encumbering the…

Understanding MFA Factors: You’re Not Using the Right Ones

With the rise in both the number and sophistication of today’s security threats, the benefits of multi-factor authentication (MFA) have become widely recognised, leading to increased adoption across enterprise and consumer apps . From a security standpoint, this is all good news. We know that passwords alone are not enough to secure your data, and…

Biometrics for Authentication: The Risks and Potential Rewards

In the last ten years, biometric technology has morphed from something Hollywood villains use to secure their secret dungeons to something almost everyone has in their pocket. But while adoption of biometric security has seen explosive success, misconceptions about biometric authentication are still very common. Let's take a look at how secure…


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