What is Passwordless Authentication?

Passwordless authentication is an emerging authentication method that has been gaining traction as of late. In this post, we’ll explore what passwordless authentication is, the usability and security challenges that passwords present, and the benefits of passwordless authentication. What is passwordless authentication? At a basic level,…

Better together: Using the Okta integration with HashiCorp Terraform

UPDATE: It's official, Okta's Terraform provider has been certified by HashiCorp! To get started, check out the official docs here. Want to contribute or open an issue? Find the project here. Organisations using Okta as their Identity layer can easily integrate Okta into their continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), and development…

How to Boost User Retention with Risk-Based Authentication

Today consumer-facing service providers have a stark choice—to offer robust security or an easy user experience. But for many organisations, missing the mark on either of these elements can seriously damage their user engagement and retention rates—and by extension, their bottom line. To address this, we have now made Risk-Based Authentication…

Onward and Upward: Okta Named a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Access Management 2019

I’m incredibly proud to announce that earlier this week, Okta was named a Leader in Gartner’s third edition of their Magic Quadrant for Access Management report. In the report, we placed highest for both ability to execute and completeness of vision, making us the first vendor in the report’s history to do so. We are also proud to be the only…

What Is Identity Proofing?

Every day, we engage with an ever-growing number of applications and digital services—and each of them wants to know (and validate) that we are who we say we are. As companies try to combat the prevalence of large-scale data breaches, the adage ‘on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog’ is losing its validity. In fact, it’s getting more and more…

Microservices vs. SOA—What’s the Difference?

There are a number of things that help make an application what it is—the most fundamental of which is the architecture it’s based on. To date, most technology has been built on monolithic architecture, with all components existing within one complex application. More recently, however, developers have started compartmentalising each component or…

How To Protect On-Prem and Hybrid Cloud apps With Okta (Fast)

Okta has always made protecting cloud applications easy; and with the introduction of Okta Access Gateway we extend that protection to on-premises applications. In this article, I cover how Access Gateway delivers Okta Single Sign-On (SSO) and Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) to the hybrid cloud fast, and without changing how your on…

Shift Identity Left: Secure DevOps Automation with Okta

To keep up with the rapid pace of innovation, organisations of all kinds and sizes are adopting DevOps practices to better automate the delivery and operations of software in the cloud. A cultural phenomenon that impacts people and process as much as it does technology, DevOps brings teams together with the goal of removing barriers – the…


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