Modernisation de l'infrastructure

Trois façons dont Okta Access Gateway ouvre la voie de la transformation numérique

Il ne peut y avoir de réussite durable sans flexibilité. Les entreprises qui veulent se démarquer dans leur secteur doivent pouvoir s’adapter à l’évolution du paysage et des demandes des utilisateurs. Cependant, un grand nombre d’entreprises passent à côté de nouvelles opportunités de marché du fait de la taille, de la complexité et des limites de…

Announcing Okta SSO for HashiCorp Terraform Cloud for Business

Companies of all kinds and sizes are adopting more cloud infrastructure and employing DevOps programs to streamline the delivery and operations of software. In doing so, they begin to foster a culture of automation that spans people, process, and technology. As a leading provider of open source technologies across the infrastructure landscape,…

To Secure DevOps, We Need to Shift Identity Left

You know it, we know it: DevOps is a core function for any company that wants to deliver exceptional digital products to its customers. But as customers become used to rapid updates and new features from the applications they use every day, there’s an added pressure for your DevOps team to be continually innovating so that your business can do the…
