Zero Trust

Zero Trust— the idea that all access to corporate resources should be restricted until the user has proven their identity and access permissions, and the device has passed a security profile check—is a core concept for Okta. For organizations concerned about ease and security of access, the following articles should explain why.

The Path to Continuous Authentication: Solving the Best of Breed Problem

For years the network perimeter has been the foundation for controlling access to digital resources: kill the network, and the user no longer has access. Today’s cloud-first world has changed that, shifting the security perimeter to users and devices—and as companies continue to adopt best of breed solutions that enable their workforce, they need…

The Enterprise Strikes Back: A Star Wars Story

I spent many of my childhood weekends watching Episodes IV-VI of Star Wars, the world's most famous “space opera.” Recently, it occurred to me that if the Galactic Empire had adopted a Zero Trust security model, it might have prevailed over Skywalker and the Rebels. Specifically, one could argue that the destruction of the Death Star was caused by…

5 Tenets of a Robust Security Infrastructure

The global number of cyber-attacks reached an all-time high last year and shows no indication of slowing down. In fact, cyber-attacks and data fraud are two of the top 10 global risks for this upcoming decade according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Risk Report. The National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) recently…

What the Jeff Bezos WhatsApp Hack Means for App Security

By now the whole world has heard that Jeff Bezos’s WhatsApp was hacked, leading to the theft, or exfiltration, of gigabytes of personal data. We don’t know what data the hackers stole, as the attackers, once finished with their operation, quickly deleted their tracks, destroying almost all of the tell-tale signs that they breached the phone. In…

Assessing Where Your Organization Lies on the Zero Trust Maturity Curve

Most of us are now familiar with the term “Zero Trust”, seeing it emblazoned on many a booth and bus at security conferences throughout the year. The term has certainly reached buzzword status, and with good reason: today, security leaders recognize more than ever the need to move away from a perimeter-oriented approach to security. But putting a…

Okta + VMware Use Cases

Following the announcement of our extended integrations with VMware last week, we thought you might enjoy learning about some of the common projects we see joint Okta and VMware customers undertake, and how the existing integration and these recent improvements can help unlock more value for our customers. Okta and VMware work together to help…

Shift Identity Left: Secure DevOps Automation with Okta

To keep up with the rapid pace of innovation, organizations of all kinds and sizes are adopting DevOps practices to better automate the delivery and operations of software in the cloud. A cultural phenomenon that impacts people and process as much as it does technology, DevOps brings teams together with the goal of removing barriers – the…

Dogfooding Chronicles: How Okta uses Okta

In this episode of the Dogfooding Chronicles, we want to go into the basics, and navigate you through Okta IT’s own use cases at a high level, stepping you through our environment and processes. We want to orient you to understand why we make the technology choices that we do. Our hope? You find this information so helpful, you’ll use some of it…

How Okta and BetterCloud secure your SaaS user interactions

The rise of user mobility and SaaS application adoption have drastically changed the landscape for access and security: more people are accessing more resources from more locations and more devices. Organizations must ensure that all users around the globe — whether remote employees, customers, partners, or contractors — can securely access data…
