workforce identity

How Okta Elite Partner, Upright Security, Supports Customers in Every Step of Their Identity Journey

Securing access to digital assets has never been more important. In our increasingly connected, cloud-powered world, propelled into a new age of remote access by COVID-19, businesses can’t afford not to make identity and access management (IAM) a priority. But even for experienced businesses, implementing the right IAM tools in the right way can…

How to Build on Identity and Access Management with Zero Trust

This year, the business community was forced to adapt to a new era of distributed work—and cyber threats have adapted right along with them. Between unsecured home WiFi networks and the rise in personal devices accessing company resources, the opportunities for data theft have risen as teams have dispersed. Implementing robust identity and access…

10 Tips for Breaking Down the Complexities of Audits & Compliance

In our previous posts for this 5-part series on lifecycle management, we offered various best practices you could implement to better manage identity data, lifecycle processes, and access grants. Today, we’ll review the identity-related challenges surrounding audits and compliance, and offer ten ways to gradually chip away at the complexities of…

Best Practices for Perfecting Dynamic (Yet Secure) Access Grants

Last week, we shared some advice for better managing identity lifecycle processes with some key steps for optimizing full-circle identity processes. In this post, we’ll dig into common challenges surrounding access grants. No matter how mature your access management practices are, IT and security teams are constantly confronted with questions like…

It’s Time to Look Beyond Covid—But How Far Can We See?

No, we don’t have a crystal ball. And in such cases, in lieu of making predictions, it’s smarter to start asking questions. So we partnered with Pulse to ask IT executives from some of the world’s largest organizations exactly what they were thinking, and what keeps them up at night about business and technology after Covid-19. Read on to glean a…

One-Minute Webinar: How Okta Is Embracing Dynamic Work

Office spaces have always been designed to encourage productivity—and yet, no single desk arrangement has stood the test of time. Back in the 1950s, for example, the assembly lines at Ford inspired organizations to experiment with open floor plans. When that proved ineffective for white-collar workers, cubicles took hold in the late ‘80s and ‘90s…

Okta Gives You Freedom and Flexibility—Here’s How

In today’s digital environment, identity is at the center of everything. That’s why we’ve made it our mandate to provide customers with an identity platform that gives them the freedom and flexibility to choose. Our goal is to enable organizations so that they can securely adopt best-of-breed technologies, retire cumbersome, legacy systems, and…
