single sign-on

Juggling multiple login credentials isn’t just a chore for end users; with the amount of cumbersome password resets they must facilitate, IT suffers, too. SSO simplifies the process from both sides, giving users a single point of access and self-service rest options, and Okta’s take is one of the best. Here’s why.

Box: Thinking Outside the Box with Okta

Jeff Sutton, enterprise IT manager at Box, recently sat down with us to discuss all things Okta — from what first drove Box to looking for an identity management solution to his experience with customer support during implementation. To hear our full interview with Jeff, watch the video below or on our website. What drove you to look for an… Driving Toward Great Heights with Okta is the online resource for automotive consumers, enthusiasts and insiders. To keep up with their many users and the rapidly growing list of services and technologies Edmunds’ employees need to do their work, the company brought on a multitude of cloud-based applications last year. It didn’t take long for Phil Potloff, CIO at Edmunds…

A Future Free From Passwords?

Passwords are a problem. The most secure passwords are robotic, nearly impossible for humans to remember and can lead to high IT costs through password resets or, worse, can pose serious security risks as employees take shortcuts to remember them. Imagine that familiar sight of a password pasted to a desktop with a Post-It note. In a recent…

Zappos Security Breach Affects Millions; Are Passwords Necessary?

More on Password Debate In a piece for Wired, Robert McMillan lays out our long, conflicted relationship with the password. What started as an easy solution to access our lives online has spiraled out of control. We are now forced to remember more passwords than ever, many containing nonsense symbols and a mix of capital letters and numerals. What…

Okta on Stage at BoxWorks

I was thrilled to appear with CEO & co-founder Aaron Levie yesterday during his keynote at BoxWorks, the company’s user conference. What better place to talk about our vision for a cloud-first world, lead by a new generation of IT, than BoxWorks, a fantastic gathering of vendors and users who are all committed to building smarter…
