single sign-on

Juggling multiple login credentials isn’t just a chore for end users; with the amount of cumbersome password resets they must facilitate, IT suffers, too. SSO simplifies the process from both sides, giving users a single point of access and self-service rest options, and Okta’s take is one of the best. Here’s why.

Managing Passwords, Speed Limits and Automobile Prices: Edmunds Drives Towards Success with Okta

Your car’s dashboard is fully equipped with the tools you need to drive safely, under the speed limit, with enough oil and in the right direction (hopefully you don’t need help with that, though). The folks at know a thing or two about these dashboards, as they provide prices for new and used vehicles of every type and stripe. But when…

Rock Me Amadeus: Amadeus Capital Partners Achieves A 350% ROI With Okta

For 15 years, Amadeus Capital Partners has supported and funded more than 85 young technology companies. A commonality among Amadeus’ clients is that they utilize the connected world to drive innovation. Therefore, it’s logical that a company that advises fast-growing technology companies needed its own set of forward-thinking applications and…

From a Seed to a Forest: Forest City Enterprises Grows From The Ground Up With Okta

It takes patience, attention and care to grow a seedling into a full-formed tree – and even more if you’re growing an entire forest. For Forest City Enterprises (NYSE: FCE.A), it’s taken almost a century to grow from a lumber and hardware business into a $9-billion diversified real estate management and development company that it is today. And…

Microsoft When You Need It: Office 365 Rollout Recommendations

From writing a high school essay to creating a sales pitch deck, it feels like we’ve come of age with Microsoft Office. It’s that trusted friend you can always count on when you need to create a detailed chart or engaging presentation, and now with Microsoft’s productivity suite available in the cloud through Microsoft Office 365, it’s become even…

Splunk: Crawling through the Digital Muck with Okta

Splunk: derived from ‘spelunking’, the hobby or practice of exploring caves. Splunk envisions an IT world where big data makes sense and does not require any headlamps or helmets to crawl through the digital muck. In this world, data is both valuable and usable and can offer key insights for critical areas of a business, such as application…

The Intersection of Identity and Big Data: Better Business Insights with Splunk, Okta

Splunk’s mission is to make data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone. And there’s big value at the intersection of data and identity. In a great post on Splunk’s blog, “Splunk SSO using SAML through Okta,” the company describes its integration with Okta to improve the user experience. “As part of our ongoing efforts to make Splunk’s…

Encore Capital: Bringing Financial Services to the Cloud with Okta

For financial service companies, moving to the cloud can be daunting given heavy regulation and compliance and security requirements. But Encore Capital isn’t shying away from the cloud. The financial service company is strategically implementing cloud-based applications to improve employee productivity and satisfaction. We recently sat down with…
