SCIM is one of the most important standards in the identity and access management sphere. With its ability to simplify provisioning across a range of products, it’s a growing presence in countlessIT environments. Read on to learn how Okta supports SCIM, giving businesses an easier path to the future.

What is SCIM?

SCIM, or System for Cross-domain Identity Management, is an open standard that allows for the automation of user provisioning. It was created in 2011 as it became clear that the technology of the future would be cloud-based. SCIM communicates user identity data between identity providers (such as companies with multiple individual users) and…

SCIM: Picking Up Tailwinds

We’re a year into our SCIM provisioning developer program, and we’re happy to report that many top SaaS vendors are starting to adopt the SCIM standard. As an Okta customer, that means you can automate user onboarding and offboarding across more apps than ever, saving IT time and increasing security. We’ve also added support for better group…

Seeing Success in Okta’s SCIM Provisioning Program

In today’s workforce, organizations don’t want to (nor should they have to!) compromise on security and productivity. They fully expect single-sign-on and provisioning be built into all of the applications their people want to use for work. That’s why earlier this year, we introduced the SCIM Provisioning Developer Program to help developers and…

Cloud Apps Enable Better User Experience with SCIM

Since launching our SCIM Provisioning Developer Program in June, over 70 cloud application vendors have joined the program and successfully enabled their apps with provisioning via Okta — all using the SCIM standard. We checked back in with a few of our early program participants to learn how enabling provisioning via SCIM has helped their…

Provisioning is a Win Win for Lucid Software

Interested in how Okta works with cloud app vendors to enable the latest in advanced user provisioning? Or are you curious to get an insider’s take on our new provisioning developer program? We recently chatted with Rob Christiansen, director of product management at Lucid Software, to understand why Lucid chose to work with Okta to enable user…

How Provisioning Improves Envoy’s Customer (and Visitor) Experience

We recently launched a program to help ISVs and developers build provisioning into their apps based on the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. We wanted to hear from ISVs who see the benefit of adopting user management standards like SCIM, so we chatted with Eric Crane, a product manager at Envoy, about the value Envoy saw…
