
Provisioning is an integral part of the on- and offboarding process. It can also be a significant drain on IT without the right tools in place. Okta’s powerful, automated provisioning tools make adding and removing access simple, with rule- and policy-based protections that are second to none. Read on to learn more.

What is SCIM?

SCIM, or System for Cross-domain Identity Management, is an open standard that allows for the automation of user provisioning. It was created in 2011 as it became clear that the technology of the future would be cloud-based. SCIM communicates user identity data between identity providers (such as companies with multiple individual users) and…

What Is Provisioning and Deprovisioning?

Provisioning is the process of making information technology (IT) systems available to users. Depending on your organization’s needs, provisioning can be defined at the network, server, application, and user level: Network provisioning involves setting up a network that can be accessed by users, servers, and devices. The telecommunications…

When Scaling IT, Knowing Where to Automate Is Key

Star Trek fans: It’s time for your IT department to boldly go where no IT department has gone before.... For years, the head of IT played the role of Scotty, the long-suffering engineer aboard Captain Kirk’s starship Enterprise. The job was to keep the engines running while the folks on the bridge came up with the strategy. As today’s companies…

HR + IT = Seamless Employee Onboarding

Few people will argue that the hardest part of starting a new job is, well, starting a new job. The excitement of a new professional challenge often gets overshadowed by the struggle of getting the tools and resources needed to do the job. According to Namely analytics, growing companies onboard 30 new employees, on average, each month. However,…

How Massdrop Solved its Identity Crisis with Okta

Like all start-ups, Massdrop started small. Really small. A-bunch-of-Canadian-guys-working-out-of-a-house small. But their concept was huge, and it didn’t take long for Massdrop’s e-commerce site to take off. That success isn’t surprising, since the idea behind the retail site is truly innovative—it allows individuals to join interest-based…

Let's Break Down Provisioning: How to Manage a User's Lifecycle

A confluence of innovations, from the proliferation of SaaS apps to cloud computing, have revolutionized the way businesses engage with technology. Yet many business practices can be complicated by these innovations. Employees require more tools on more devices to do their jobs and organizations are confronting trends like data breaches, high…

Provisioning is a Win Win for Lucid Software

Interested in how Okta works with cloud app vendors to enable the latest in advanced user provisioning? Or are you curious to get an insider’s take on our new provisioning developer program? We recently chatted with Rob Christiansen, director of product management at Lucid Software, to understand why Lucid chose to work with Okta to enable user…

Managing Provisioning During Medallia’s Rapid Growth

The web is a noisy place and, despite the plethora of tools available to brands, it’s difficult for companies to solicit feedback on marketing promotions to create better messages. Okta customer Medallia was founded on a simple premise: empower companies to use the power of the Internet to deliver more meaningful messages to customers. That…
