Multi-Factor Authentication

Your end users already carry multiple devices. Why not put them to use? That’s the thought behind multi-factor authentication (MFA), a solution leveraging multiple devices and factors to provide extra security: texting an authentication code to a user’s smartphone, for instance. Here’s what Okta has to say about this innovative authentication method.

Using Okta Adaptive MFA for PCI 3.2

PCI DSS, or the Payment Credit Industry Data Security Standard, is an industry regulation that applies to any company that accepts credit cards for payments processing. The goal of the standard is to establish best practices in securing consumer information to prevent broad scale breaches of credit card and personal information. As identity is…

What's Next in the Evolution of Password Management?

Since the early days of computing, users have inputted passwords to prove their identities. Today, as computers have progressed to something in everyone's pocket, password management is changing. No longer is having memorized an over-long string of numbers and letters the hallmark of a sophisticated user. Instead, authentication at the cutting…

3 Important Security Trends Affecting Cloud Identity

The fast-changing world of cybersecurity can be complex, with plenty of news to sort through to find out what will affect IT systems in the months—and years—to come. In terms of cloud identity, zooming out to see the big picture reveals three particular trends that are poised to make a huge impact on security: the Internet of Things (IoT), Big…

Traveling for the Holidays? Here’s How to Work From Anywhere

With the holidays upon us, chances are you’ll be traveling to spend time with friends and family. You will likely find yourself trying to kill time on long flights or wrapping everything up before you log off for the holidays. Are you hoping to get some work done during the hours you’re in transit? If so, you may end up working anywhere from an…

Trick or treat? Seven treats for IT managers implementing Okta

It may be the season for jack ‘o lanterns, mummies and ghouls, but those creatures aren’t the scariest things that an IT manager could confront on a typical day. What’s more frightening are the amount of typical questions technical teams get from their teammates on how to use Okta. To help with the most common Okta questions, here are some …
