Multi-Factor Authentication

Your end users already carry multiple devices. Why not put them to use? That’s the thought behind multi-factor authentication (MFA), a solution leveraging multiple devices and factors to provide extra security: texting an authentication code to a user’s smartphone, for instance. Here’s what Okta has to say about this innovative authentication method.

How Secure is Social Login?

Social login gives application users the ability to apply existing login information from their social media accounts to register and sign into third-party sites. But before we jump into the topic of whether social login is secure or not, let’s answer the question below. Do users really want social login? (Spoiler alert: Yes!) From a user’s point…

Protecting Your Organization Against Privileged Attacks

In recent years, the threat of cyber attacks has grown steadily. Many large enterprises have suffered devastating attacks, despite having security resources in place. Why are so many falling prey to attacks? The answers are manifold, but one of the leading causes is the misuse and abuse of privileges, opening up an easy path for attackers to…

Understanding MFA Factors: You’re Not Using the Right Ones

With the rise in both the number and sophistication of today’s security threats, the benefits of multi-factor authentication (MFA) have become widely recognized, leading to increased adoption across enterprise and consumer apps . From a security standpoint, this is all good news. We know that passwords alone are not enough to secure your data, and…

4 Guidelines that will Increase Data Security for Your Customers

User data security has been in the spotlight for years now. It seems like every week, if not every day, brings a report of a new breach or vulnerability discovered. From Target to Equifax JP Morgan Chase, it’s a scary world out there, and for many teams, the path to secure customer identity is vast, complicated, and difficult to navigate. A few…

Making the Multifactor Authentication Transition: 3 User Access Management Considerations

As business operations move to the cloud, companies are increasingly switching to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to secure their applications. After all, when business can be done from anywhere, and employees may need hundreds of different digital tools and services, security is a major concern. With new software comes new practices, and it’s…

7 Things to Consider Before Making the Switch to MFA

Passwords are hard. The (what feels like constantly) growing list of security requirements are intended to make passwords secure, but in many cases they’ve had the opposite effect. Complex passwords that meet all the requirements are often difficult to remember, so they’re reused across many sites. Users scribble them on sticky notes. They weave…

What you need to know about New York's cybersecurity regulation

Monday, August 28, 2017 marked the first compliance deadline for the New York Department of Financial Services' (NYDFS) cybersecurity regulation 23 NYCRR 500. For those of you in organizations regulated by the DFS, you probably already know 23 NYCRR 500 was first implemented in March last year with the goal of establishing minimum security…
