Multi-Factor Authentication

Your end users already carry multiple devices. Why not put them to use? That’s the thought behind multi-factor authentication (MFA), a solution leveraging multiple devices and factors to provide extra security: texting an authentication code to a user’s smartphone, for instance. Here’s what Okta has to say about this innovative authentication method.

How Safe is Cloud Computing for Your Business? Our UK Team Weighs in to the Financial Times' Twitter Chat

When it comes to discussions around cloud computing in Europe, security often the tops the list of concerns. It seems that despite the many clear benefits of the cloud, organisations can’t seem to shake those security worries. What exactly are they worried about – is it regulation, or control? What can companies do to protect their confidential…

Splunk: Crawling through the Digital Muck with Okta

Splunk: derived from ‘spelunking’, the hobby or practice of exploring caves. Splunk envisions an IT world where big data makes sense and does not require any headlamps or helmets to crawl through the digital muck. In this world, data is both valuable and usable and can offer key insights for critical areas of a business, such as application…

The Intersection of Identity and Big Data: Better Business Insights with Splunk, Okta

Splunk’s mission is to make data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone. And there’s big value at the intersection of data and identity. In a great post on Splunk’s blog, “Splunk SSO using SAML through Okta,” the company describes its integration with Okta to improve the user experience. “As part of our ongoing efforts to make Splunk’s…

Oktane13 Session Spotlight with Box: Deploy an Application to 1,000 People in Less than a Minute – and Learn about Integrating Identity into Your Cloud Stack

Guest post by Dan O’Leary, solutions architect at Box. There is nothing more boring than a panel session at a technology conference where someone in marketing gets up for an hour to try and cram as many buzzwords and slides into a timeslot as possible. My session at Oktane13, Okta’s first user conference, is NOT that kind of session. Dan O…

Oktane13 Session Spotlight with AMAG: Nathan McBride on Eliminating the ‘Microsoft Virus’

Guest post by Nathan McBride, vice president, IT and chief cloud architect at AMAG Pharmaceuticals. Oktane13 is almost here and I’m thrilled to be a part of the speaking faculty for this inaugural event. I was asked to speak about deprecating Active Directory in the enterprise – or as I like to call it, eliminating the “Microsoft Virus.” There…

Keeping You Safe in the Cloud is a Full-Time Job

Identity is at the center of cloud security. As a result, cloud identity and access management (IAM) is one of the most interesting – and critical – challenges in IT today. The rapid evolution of enterprise IT to the cloud has rendered on-premise identity solutions ineffective. With the acceleration of mobile device access, cloud business apps and…

Millions of Gamers Have Their Data Stolen…Again

It’s happened – again. A major gaming network has been hacked, compromising millions of users’ information. Last night, Steam – Valve’s online gaming service – announced that its database had been breached. The database included coded passwords, billing information and encrypted credit card information. Valve is still investigating whether this…

Double Down on Your Cloud, Double Your Factor

Today at Okta we launched an exciting addition to our service that enhances our ability to better address the security issues associated with cloud adoption. We’ve added very rich support for multifactor authentication, so our customers can now easily apply an additional layer of security to their application access strategy, and it works with…
