Identity and Access Management

Identity and access management (IAM) tools connect users to the systems and tools they rely on, easing experience for users, menial tasks for IT, and security for both. As the leading provider of identity for the enterprise, Okta has much to say about IAM. Here’s a sample of our thoughts.

Okta and beyond: Building a robust defense against web attacks

In the realm of cybersecurity, understanding and implementing a multi-layered defense strategy is crucial. Okta offers protection against a broad spectrum of web threats. However, as the digital threat landscape evolves, augmenting Okta's capabilities with specialized services adds critical protection. Okta's frontline defense: Understanding…

How Identity gives SMBs a competitive edge

Note: If you’re already set on IAM basics and ready for resources, we recommend checking out IDaaS for Dummies or A Comprehensive Guide for Your Workforce Identity Maturity Journey to really dig into the topic.   How can something like Identity give small and medium businesses (SMBs) a competitive edge? Organizations are increasingly defined by…

Creating a secure environment for teachers and students to harness emerging technology

What follows is an adaptation of an article from the second issue of Okta’s Identity Spotlight magazine. Technology’s impact on the world of education is unquestionable. We’re a long way from the days of piles of notebooks, overhead projectors, and chalkboards. These days, technology plays a central role in the design and delivery of curriculum in…

Top 3 actions for technologists to help maximize the value of your business’ cybersecurity insurance

I recently had the privilege of organizing a knowledge-sharing webinar, where we brought together a panel of cybersecurity insurance (CSI) experts. Our discussion revolved around the present and future state of the industry, and I gained a wealth of valuable insights along the way that inspired this blog.  One of the prevailing themes during the…

Why now is the time for IAM transformation in banking

We’ve hit a tipping point in the battle between traditional financial institutions (TradFi) and financial technology (fintech) disruptors. Digital banking (led by fintech) has become ubiquitous, with nearly universal adoption —  eight in 10 consumers now use some type of digital financial tool, and half of Americans use fintech tools on a daily…

Okta and Google Chrome Enterprise: Enhanced application protections with device assurance

As the digital landscape evolves, the need for robust security measures becomes increasingly critical. Organizations are constantly exploring innovative ways to ensure secure access to their systems and data. In this pursuit, Okta has taken a significant step forward by integrating its device assurance policies with Google's Device Trust Connector…

Why Okta is Privacy-Forward

Last week Okta celebrated Data Privacy Week with a company-wide campaign to reinforce employee awareness of the importance of respecting privacy and safeguarding personal data. This got me thinking about how data protection and privacy have never been more relevant to individuals around the world. We’ve never spent more time online or been so…

Is Establishing a Robust IAM Practice Tactical or Strategic?

Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report found that privilege abuse is still the leading cause of breaches today. As cyber-attacks targeting identity (such as business email compromise or phishing) have become more sophisticated and numerous, many organizations are increasing their focus and budgets to combat them using Identity and Access…

How to Build on Identity and Access Management with Zero Trust

This year, the business community was forced to adapt to a new era of distributed work—and cyber threats have adapted right along with them. Between unsecured home WiFi networks and the rise in personal devices accessing company resources, the opportunities for data theft have risen as teams have dispersed. Implementing robust identity and access…
