Customer identity and access management (CIAM) is a major topic in business today, and with good reason: if your clientele doesn’t feel secure using your products and services, they probably aren’t going to engage at all. CIAM solutions include Single Sign-On and Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication, among others. Read on to learn more.

Keeping Up with Customer Experience in 2021 and Beyond

2020 was a pivotal year, with COVID-19 profoundly changing the ways we live, work, and transact. And in many industries, the trends brought on by the pandemic—physical distancing, limitations on non-essential services, and new health and safety regulations—will only continue to define how businesses operate. Supply chains, for instance, have yet…

The Journey to CIAM Maturity: An Intelligent Customer Identity Solution to Match Your Product or Service

It’s not easy to find a public example of a commercial or enterprise organization that has advanced exceptionally far in their customer identity and access management (CIAM) journey. At a fundamental level, a company’s ability to secure their business and their customers is in constant competition with bad actors. While organizations develop an…

The Secret to Innovation? Architectural Excellence

The heat is on for organizations everywhere. Customer needs and expectations are ever-evolving—and for many companies, that means a constant push to develop new product features. While this is a natural response in a competitive marketplace, it pays to remember the bedrock of software success: strong architecture. For solution providers looking to…

The Journey to CIAM Maturity: Let’s Start with the Basics of Customer Identity

Modernizing digital initiatives is a key priority for most organizations, but many still have a long way to go before they can better enable, secure, and delight their users. And when it comes to customer identity and access management (CIAM), most companies find themselves in the earliest stages of maturity. Throughout this blog series, we'll…

What Are ICAM and FICAM?

For organizations and government agencies alike, strong identity management is paramount. Millions of people share sensitive, personal information with commercial and public bodies every day, so companies and public sector agencies have a responsibility to secure their assets.  This is where ICAM and FICAM come in. What is ICAM? Identity,…

Strengthening Customer Experience in a Time of Recovery with Identity

It’s no secret that customer behavior is constantly evolving. But the changes we’ve seen in the last seven months and the acceleration of customers adopting digital-first experiences for nearly every aspect of their life is unprecedented. And this trend is only going to continue, creating a need for customers to navigate digital touchpoints in a…
