What Is Best-of-Breed Technology?

“Best-of-breed technology” refers to the leading applications, systems, or software in a niche or category.  When organizations take a best-of-breed (or “best-in-breed technology”) approach to building their technology stack, it involves selecting various tools that serve specific purposes. Put another way, instead of purchasing a product suite…

In the Age of Remote Work, Securing Office 365 Is a Must

According to our Businesses @ Work Reports, Microsoft’s Office 365 has ranked as the #1 most popular application within the Okta integration network for the last few years — both by number of customers and by number of monthly active users.   Top apps by number of customers - Businesses @ Work 2020 Top apps by number of monthly unique active…

COVID-19 Technology Trends Through Our Partners

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for organizations around the world, especially within industries like Healthcare, Finance, and Government. In addition to being customer-centric, Okta is also a company built on partners. Many of our Solution Provider partners, especially, are working closely with our joint customers to…

Okta + Citrix Workspace. Synergy Indeed!

At Okta we believe a neutral, modern identity platform is essential to unleashing employee productivity by ensuring workers have secure access to the best business applications for completing their work. Deploying Okta unleashes IT to deliver the best applications quickly and securely. In fact, in our 2019 Businesses@Work report we shared that…
