Active Directory

If you use Windows Server, you’re familiar with Active Directory (AD). From authentication and authorization to certificate services, it underscores a broad swath of the business IT world—indeed, 95 percent of Fortune 1000 companies utilize it. Here you’ll find information on Active Directory and how Okta’s tools integrate with its services.

Okta for Good Launches Pro Bono Professional Services for all Nonprofit Customers in the U.S.

Okta for Good has made product donations and discounts available to nonprofits for several years. That resource commitment is an expression of Okta’s belief that nonprofits should have access to the same cutting-edge technology as our for-profit customers. We know, however, that many organizations need more than just access to our products in…

Why It’s Time to Break Up with Active Directory

Do you still use a cell phone designed in 1999? Would you risk letting your teenager drive a 20-year-old car with 20-year-old airbags? Probably not. In an era of innovation and disruption, leading companies pride themselves on constantly adopting new and better technologies. So why is it that some of those same enterprises continue to rely on…

How Do I Connect to Partner Identity Sources?

It’s better to be a specialist than a generalist: when you try to be good at too many things, you end up being great at nothing—and that’s why organizations today use a wide ecosystem of partner companies. Businesses across all industries are engaging with hundreds , if not thousands, of third-party entities each year—and for these relationships…

Increase Business Agility by Reducing Your AD Footprint

When NASA re-engineered the space shuttle, they were heavily constrained by the size of the rocket boosters attached to it. These boosters were manufactured by an outside company and shipped by train, and thus limited by the size of American trains. U.S. train tracks were designed based on train tracks in the U.K., which were based on the old…

The Four Pillars for Delivering a Successful Migration

For most people, the idea of championing a digital migration as part of a large-scale acquisition might trigger night sweats. For Jill Porubovic, global vice president of technical workforce for Discovery, this was a challenge to face head on. When Discovery closed its $14.6 billion acquisition of Scripps Networks Interactive, Porubovic oversaw…

How Okta Delivers a Zero Trust Solution for Customers

The traditional workspace is a thing of the past. Employees need to stay productive whether they are working from the office, home, or a coffee shop – any location with access to the internet could be a potential workspace. This trend in work habits is largely due to the increased adoption of cloud applications in the enterprise – whether you have…

Okta​ ​Today​ ​and​ ​Tomorrow:​ ​Going​ ​Beyond​ ​Internal​ ​Access​ ​Management

Here at Okta, we recently carved out core enhancements across four major components our the product, which we shared at Oktane17 in August. Your identity solution needs to be future-proof – connecting to everything you need today and backed by a team that will ensure it connects to the apps, devices, and tools your team will need in future as well…

Managing Provisioning During Medallia’s Rapid Growth

The web is a noisy place and, despite the plethora of tools available to brands, it’s difficult for companies to solicit feedback on marketing promotions to create better messages. Okta customer Medallia was founded on a simple premise: empower companies to use the power of the Internet to deliver more meaningful messages to customers. That…

How Provisioning Improves Envoy’s Customer (and Visitor) Experience

We recently launched a program to help ISVs and developers build provisioning into their apps based on the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. We wanted to hear from ISVs who see the benefit of adopting user management standards like SCIM, so we chatted with Eric Crane, a product manager at Envoy, about the value Envoy saw…
