

Get Out of “The Office” and Go To Oktane16!

In case you weren’t already eager to join us at Oktane16, we guarantee you will be now. As previously announced, everyone’s favorite comedian, actor and employee of “The Office”, Rainn Wilson, will join us as a special guest keynote speaker and share everything he knows about life. Rainn Wilson is the co-founder of SoulPancake, a media and…

Ready. Set. Go!: REA Group’s Damian Fasciani on Why You Should Join Us at Oktane16

Last year at Oktane15, we were joined by more than one thousand customers, partners and developers with our “Onward” theme and rallying cry. This year at Oktane16, it’s all about “Ready. Set. Go” and celebrating where our customers and their organizations have gone We’ll be hosting our most exciting event yet in August with over 2000 attendees,…

Rev Up for Oktane16: Pre-Conference Training

With Oktane16 only a few months away, make plans to join us in Vegas early and get a head start to success with pre-conference training. These sessions offer a perfect opportunity to strengthen your foundational Okta Administrator or Developer skills. Through hands-on learning delivered by Okta Experts, you will boost your confidence working with…

Oktane16 is Already Preheated: A Day in the Life of Rebecca Haugen

The impact of events on organizations can sometimes be lost on people who are not in the trenches day-to-day. It can impact customers, consumers, media perception and the bottom line for the company hosting the event. Often times people don’t realize the amount of work and manpower dedicated to putting together a flawless event for its attendees…

Malcolm Gladwell Announced as Oktane16 Opening Keynote Speaker

Next up, we’re delighted to announce acclaimed author Malcolm Gladwell will kick off Oktane16 during our welcome keynote on Tuesday, August 30! Malcolm will share his unique insights on innovation and stories from his best-selling books including Outliers: The Story of Success and most recently David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of…

Rainn Wilson Inspires at Oktane16

We promised there’d be more big news for Oktane16 keynotes and we aim to please. Today we’re excited to announce that comedian, author and actor Rainn Wilson will be joining us as a guest keynote speaker at Oktane16. While Rainn is unforgettable for his role on “The Office” his new passion is creating content and experiences that explore life’s…

Oktane16: Brian Krebs Revealed as Guest Keynote Speaker

We promised you that Oktane16 would be bigger than ever and we’re excited to announce this year’s keynotes. In addition to Okta’s co-founders Todd McKinnon and Frederic Kerrest, we have a great lineup of guest speakers which we’ll be revealing on the blog. Our first guest keynote? Brian Krebs-- investigative security researcher. Brian is a leading…

3 Reasons to Attend Identity & Mobility Forums from 77 Energy’s Chris Dodds

The Okta team is on the road this spring with our Identity and Mobility Forums! We recently returned from Dallas, TX where our customer Chris Dodds of Seventy Seven Energy, joined us onstage to share his journey with Okta. Below he shares his highlights from the Forum: From Chris Dodds, Cloud Architect at 77 Energy: Navigating the cloud-connected…
