Industry Insight

Industry Insight

How the Enterprise Got Sexy: Reflecting on #TCDisrupt

You’ve probably heard by now, but enterprise is the hot thing in the Valley right now. (For the record, I’ve always thought what we are doing is cool.) Still, the widespread interest was only re-affirmed yesterday during the “How Enterprise Got Sexy” panel at TechCrunch Disrupt. The panel gave me the chance to discuss mobile disruption, the…

Defining the Enterprise Cloud Service

The barrage of articles and blogs that cropped up following the personal identity hack on Wired’s Mat Honan got me thinking about the importance of security in the cloud. In my experience, what happened to Mat is not a unique issue. In fact, it’s actually a somewhat typical downside to – what I call – consumer cloud services. It was, no doubt, a…

Simple Jenkins Configuration and Deployment

At Okta, we’ve gone through many iterations of using Jenkins to build and test our software. We use a number of tools to make sure our code works properly, and we like to have Jenkins manage these. The list would be familiar to anyone using the Java environment; PMD, Cobertura, unit and functional tests with JUnit, Selenium tests with testNG, and…

More Security Chatter from RSA

The RSA Conference, the largest IT security show of the year, ended two weeks ago, but the conversations that took place are still reverberating. Chris Preimesberger, editor at eWeek, has identified a few of the major themes that are likely to impact IT departments in 2012: Web application firewalls. With the number of cyber data hacks rising,…
