Industry Insight

Industry Insight

Hiring Talent: CIOs Going for IT Gold

Athletes, musicians, and even businessmen and women know: it takes that certain something “extra” to take home the gold — something you can’t always put your finger on. But how do companies find these talented people with certain unnamable, yet distinguishable, qualities? Who determines if an applicant will be able to succeed? At Okta, we’re…

Building Trust and Security Through Transparency of Service

Transparency is a great way for cloud providers to demonstrate and prove good security practices to their customers. Often times, however, the transparency stops when outages or service hiccups occur. During an incident, how a cloud provider communicates to its customers says a lot. In a guest post for the Cloud Security Alliance, I discuss why…

ADFS: A Four-Letter Word to Avoid in the Enterprise

Since its introduction with Windows Server 2008, Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0 has been Microsoft’s answer to extending enterprise identity beyond the firewall. However, building an identity management solution with the AD FS toolkit has many hidden costs. While AD FS solves some identity challenges for Microsoft’s product…

Top 10 Reasons Valentines are Like Passwords

Happy Valentine's Day from the Okta team! We've had some fun thinking about chocolate, flowers and all things Enterprise Identity Management and came up with the Top 10 11 reasons valentines are like passwords. Enjoy! You get in trouble if you use the wrong name Sharing isn't advisable Neither should be your dog If you break up, you lose access…

Startup Culture and Building a Cohesive Team: WSJ 'Accelerators'

How can entrepreneurs build culture, and why is it important? That's the topic of the week on the Wall Street Journal's "Accelerators" blog, and CEO Todd McKinnon joins the discussion: Long-term success is not predicated on creating a world-class company culture. Many of the strongest technology companies today thrive because, in their earliest…

Securing Layer 7 – Part 2: Application Vulnerability Management

I recently kicked off a blog series about the importance of securing Layer 7, otherwise known as the application layer in the OSI model. It’s a critical part of Okta’s security program because Layer 7 is closest to our users, and also because Okta’s cloud-based IDM solution integrates with on-premises and external SaaS identity stories, mobile…

Keeping it Simple to Keep it Secure

The New York Times recently ran an interesting profile of Peter Neumann, one of the preeminent computer scientists in the world. The story, “Killing the Computer to Save it,” details Neumann’s ideas for how to solve the inherent security vulnerabilities in computer systems that have been repeated again and again for the past 50+ years. Neumann’s…

Encryption in the Spotlight due to Vulnerable Android Apps

Last week, Ars Technica’s Dan Goodin published a story detailing how downloaded Android applications have the potential to expose the sensitive personal data of more than 185 million users. Vulnerabilities due to inadequate or incorrect use of SSL/TLS protocol libraries expose everything from online banking and social networking credentials to e…
