Industry Insight

Industry Insight

Join Okta’s Sr. Product Marketing Manager of Mobile for our First-Ever: Ask Me Anything

Last month, we unveiled the new Okta Community, a central location for our customers to engage in peer-to-peer interaction, and this Thursday we’re kicking off a new series, Ask Me Anything (AMA). Similar to the popular Reddit conversations with celebrities and public figures, this series will be a set of virtual events where our very own Okta…

A CXOTalk With Todd McKinnon

Last week, our CEO Todd McKinnon sat down (or rather, “hung out”) with Michael Krigsman to discuss tech valuations, the future of identity management, and cloud and mobile adoption trends on a recent episode of CXOTalk. Okta is in an exciting period of growth for the company, with hundreds of employees, thousands of customers, and a new round of…

Shaping the Future: How IT Leaders are Turning Responsibility into Opportunity

We recently wrote about the expanding role of IT (and why you should take your CIO to lunch!). As organizations in every industry increasingly lean on their IT teams to support critical business services, CIOs are facing bigger responsibilities than ever before. Thanks to the rise of infrastructure and software as a service, CIOs can embrace these…

UK Businesses: It’s Time to Ban Your Mother’s Maiden Name

Last month we released our first ever “Businesses @ Work” Report, which shares findings from our network of 4,000 applications, thousands of custom integrations and millions of daily authentications and verifications around the world. Our dataset identifies several fascinating industry trends for those making or considering significant investment…

Software is Eating the World – Don’t Get Eaten

CIOs are moving up in the world. We’re seeing IT leaders taking on strategic business roles, getting promoted to CEO and appointed as board members. And it’s no coincidence. A fitting motto for the modern CIO is the adage, “Times of great change also bring great opportunity.” The new world of mobile apps, cloud services, and the Internet of Things…

Dreamforce Picks for the IT Pro

Dreamforce 2015 is less than a week away and that means it’s crunch time. You’ve made sure your outfit doesn’t clash with your lanyard, reserved your hotel room and mastered the lyrics to every Foo Fighters song to prepare for their Thursday night performance. But with more than 130,000 attendees and 1,500 sessions to choose from, Salesforce’s…

Is Your Product Enterprise-Ready? (Part 1: Enterprise Authentication)

For many companies, creating an “enterprise-grade” product is the ultimate dream: Build an early version to fit smaller organizations’ requirements, demonstrate market viability and, finally, scale to larger customers. To be sure, that process of building an enterprise-grade SaaS product – and growing into a stable company that can support it – is…

4 Ways to Simplify Authentication for Your Users

Authentication can be one of the most significant sources of friction for your application’s users. This usability barrier can impact adoption of your product, increase the burden on support operations or product administrators and, in some cases, degrade security. At Okta, we spend a lot of time working with developers to design and build better…
