Industry Insight

Industry Insight

Okta Certification Program Wins CEdMA's 2017 Innovation Award

On Wednesday, October 4, 2017, the Computer Education Management Association (CEdMA) awarded Okta Certification Program with the 2017 Innovation Award. CEdMA is the premier professional networking organization for training executives and managers in the hardware and software technology sectors and is comprised of over 90 technology companies. Once…

Making the Multifactor Authentication Transition: 3 User Access Management Considerations

As business operations move to the cloud, companies are increasingly switching to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to secure their applications. After all, when business can be done from anywhere, and employees may need hundreds of different digital tools and services, security is a major concern. With new software comes new practices, and it’s…

Advice for US-based IT Managers on GDPR Impact and Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is a European Union (“EU”) law, but it’s going to have a big impact on American businesses that collect and process personal data of EU individuals. While American companies may be familiar with its predecessor, the Data Protection Directive through the Privacy Shield and Model Clause programs, the…

The GDPR, Identity, and Your Organization

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) ‘go-live’ date is just around the corner and, if I were a betting man, I’d say that odds are you aren’t adequately prepared. You might be thinking, “But hey, Joe, I have until May 2018 to get my house in order.” Truth is, that isn’t much time to audit the services, data and controls you have in place…

7 Things to Consider Before Making the Switch to MFA

Passwords are hard. The (what feels like constantly) growing list of security requirements are intended to make passwords secure, but in many cases they’ve had the opposite effect. Complex passwords that meet all the requirements are often difficult to remember, so they’re reused across many sites. Users scribble them on sticky notes. They weave…

GDPR: We’re ready, are you?

Next May, the long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is already in effect, becomes enforceable in the EU. In reality though, its effect will be felt worldwide. Any company holding the personal data of EU individuals will have to ensure they’re compliant. The penalties for breaching the legislation can be high, with fines of…

Introducing the Businesses @ Work Dashboard: Showcasing Popular and Fast-Growing Apps

During the Oktane17 keynote presentation, our CEO Todd McKinnon, unveiled (and live demoed!) the new Businesses @ Work Dashboard, which was created in response to the growing interest in our annual Businesses @ Work report. Our customers, partners, and so many others love interesting data; and Businesses @ Work is just that. “Look forward to the…

What you need to know about New York's cybersecurity regulation

Monday, August 28, 2017 marked the first compliance deadline for the New York Department of Financial Services' (NYDFS) cybersecurity regulation 23 NYCRR 500. For those of you in organizations regulated by the DFS, you probably already know 23 NYCRR 500 was first implemented in March last year with the goal of establishing minimum security…
