Industry Insight

Industry Insight

Supporting the Federal Cloud Computing Strategy

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is proposing a new strategy to increase cloud adoption across the Federal portfolio and is seeking public comments on the draft. Mark Settle, Okta Chief Information Officer, submitted the below comment to the Federal CIO and OMB—supporting the proposed strategy to utilize IT modernization for…

A Tool to Strengthen Your Password Manager

Password managers, such as Okta Browser Plugin can defend against phishing attacks. However, to prevent the compromise of passwords, password managers need to be hardened against attacks that confuse them into misidentifying websites. To help achieve this, the Okta Research and Exploitation team (REX) has created a tool, hack_url_re, to…

The Battle Between Build vs. Buy

Every development team must decide which components to build in-house and which to offload to a 3rd party vendor. This decision is often difficult and hotly debated. After all, most developers chose this career in order to build cool things! Choosing to relinquish that control to buy a solution can seem contrary to their raison d’etre. But…

Bringing it All Together: Okta, HR, and Your Directories

In any organization, there’s one key resource that cannot be replaced: people. Even though technology is seen as the great business enabler of the 21st century, organizations must still focus their efforts on managing their human resources. After all, it’s people who are responsible for thinking creatively, generating new products, solving…

Women@Okta Talk Women in Tech Sales

Women@Okta (W@Okta) recently launched a new program called W@Okta Talks, where Okta employees have the opportunity to present on the topic of their choice, and have so far included topics such as productivity and career growth. For our August event, we organized a panel focused on women in tech sales (watch the panel here). We invited external…

The Inside Job: When Microsoft MFA Fails

In today’s threat landscape, cybersecurity vulnerabilities can originate from a variety of places. An exploitable gap in one vendor’s technology can have serious, cascading repercussions across an entire organization, large or small. This reality is one of the reasons that Okta’s Research and Exploitation (REX) team constantly performs security…

The Top Four Business Trends That IT Teams Must Address

In a world driven by digital disruption, several tech trends are shaping the business landscape of tomorrow. Business leaders have a choice: put into practice strategies that reap the benefits of these new innovations or get left behind. These are four of the most critical trends that business leaders need to consider. The four business trends you…
