Industry Insight

Industry Insight

Secure Partner Onboarding Means Automating User Access

Imagine this: you’re in your house, and you notice some water coming through the ceiling. One of your pipes is leaking. To fix it, you call your plumber to change the pipe, a handyman to patch up the ceiling, and a painter to cover the spackle. Once they’re done with their work and you walk them out of your house, you need to ensure they no longer…

Want to Secure Your APIs? You’ll Need OAuth 2.0 for That

We’re experiencing the rise of the API economy. Whether it’s for a backend system, partner-facing website, or a mobile application designed for customers, companies rely on APIs to share data with more end users than ever before. Unfortunately, APIs are proving to be a major point of vulnerability. This stems primarily from the fact that APIs are…

Why It’s Time to Break Up with Active Directory

Do you still use a cell phone designed in 1999? Would you risk letting your teenager drive a 20-year-old car with 20-year-old airbags? Probably not. In an era of innovation and disruption, leading companies pride themselves on constantly adopting new and better technologies. So why is it that some of those same enterprises continue to rely on…

We’re Looking at the Future, and It Doesn't Have Passwords

We’re rapidly moving towards the enterprise of the future—but what does that look like? It could be a place where employees have intelligent interactions with machines, or an environment where commuting becomes obsolete because we can show up to meetings as holograms. No one can say for sure what the future looks like—but based on today’s trends,…

CTOs Should Embrace, Stick to a No-Meeting Day

You know the feeling: You open your calendar in the morning to find a completely booked day, back-to-back meetings and not even 15 minutes of time to complete any of the items on your to-do list. In fact, your day tomorrow and the day after look just as booked. An HBR study conducted last year found that face-to-face requests are 34 times more…
