Industry Insight

Industry Insight

Why Cloud-First Hybrid IAM is Too Important to Ignore

Although the benefits of cloud efficiencies are well-understood, most large companies recognize it’s not easy to convert thousands of apps across the enterprise to take advantage of the cloud. So, most organizations take a pragmatic approach: let’s adopt more SaaS applications where we can. Then, we’ll gradually modernize existing apps and retire…

Rethinking AD: The Four Stages of Separation, Part 2

In part one of The Four Stages of Separation from Active Directory (AD), we covered stages 1 - 3: 1. Where are you today? 2. Make sure you’re safe, and 3. Get everyone together. In part 2, we’ll cover Stages 4.1 and 4.2, and we’ll describe a few customers who started this journey and detail where they are today. Still wondering why you should…

Rethinking AD: The Four Stages of Separation, Part 1

In the first blog of this series, we explained why it’s time to break-up with Active Directory (AD). In the second, we listed the top five things you can look forward to after making the change. So now we’re breaking down the four stages of separation you’re going to experience as you reduce your dependency on, and potentially leave, Active…

Understand Web Access Management—Then Move On

Figuring out how to secure users’ connections to applications is an age-old challenge that has developed alongside the digital transformation of the enterprise. Traditionally, businesses have addressed this issue with complex authorization systems, many of which used web access management (WAM)—or on-premises single sign-on (SSO)—at the center of…

Taking in the 2019 NASCIO Conference: How We’re Helping Government Agency CIOs Stay Secure and Compliant

Having just attended and sponsored the 2019 National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) Annual Conference in Nashville, I was struck, though not surprised, by the prevalence of security-related themes throughout the event. Many of the discussions among presenters and attendees centered on topics such as ransomware, identity…
