Industry Insight

Industry Insight

What Is Identity Governance and Administration?

Identity governance and administration (IGA) is a policy-based approach to identity management and access control. As the name implies, IGA systems merge identity governance and identity administration to provide additional functionality beyond traditional identity and access management (IAM) tools. Particularly, they offer valuable support in…

Modernizing Government Agencies: How Okta Can Help Build Secure and Scalable Citizen Experiences

We often share personal information to obtain the services we need, be it healthcare, financial assistance, or legal advice. In doing so, we place trust in our service providers to keep this data confidential and secure—often without hesitation. When interacting with government agencies, however, we’re usually less confident. By design, agencies…

What Is an API?

API is an acronym that stands for “application programming interface,” and it allows apps to send information between each other. While there are numerous protocols and technologies involved, the underlying purpose of APIs is always the same: to let one piece of software communicate with another.  APIs (sometimes described as web services) work in…

It’s Time to Look Beyond Covid—But How Far Can We See?

No, we don’t have a crystal ball. And in such cases, in lieu of making predictions, it’s smarter to start asking questions. So we partnered with Pulse to ask IT executives from some of the world’s largest organizations exactly what they were thinking, and what keeps them up at night about business and technology after Covid-19. Read on to glean a…

What Is Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)?

Attribute-based access control (ABAC) is an authorization model that evaluates attributes (or characteristics), rather than roles, to determine access. The purpose of ABAC is to protect objects such as data, network devices, and IT resources from unauthorized users and actions—those that don’t have “approved” characteristics as defined by an…

Magic Links: Passwordless Login for Your Users

Magic links are a form of passwordless login. Instead of the user entering any login credentials to sign in, they are sent a URL with an embedded token via email, and sometimes via SMS. Once the user clicks that link to authenticate, they are redirected back to the application or system having successfully signed in—as if they used a “magic”…

What Is Best-of-Breed Technology?

“Best-of-breed technology” refers to the leading applications, systems, or software in a niche or category.  When organizations take a best-of-breed (or “best-in-breed technology”) approach to building their technology stack, it involves selecting various tools that serve specific purposes. Put another way, instead of purchasing a product suite…

Modernizing Government Agencies: Delivering Frictionless Experiences to Citizens, Quickly and Securely

Doing our errands looks a lot different now than it did a few years ago, and not just because of the COVID-19 pandemic (though that has certainly accelerated things). For a while now, we’ve been ordering groceries online, paying bills on a banking app, and even checking in with our doctor from the comfort of home. With so many digital experiences…
