Industry Insight

Industry Insight

What is Decentralized Identity?

Decentralized identity, often used interchangeably with “self-sovereign identity” (SSI), is gaining ground as an alternative to today’s centralized and federated infrastructures. In short, it allows individuals to manage their own identities. In a decentralized framework, the user receives credentials from a number of issuers (e.g., government,…

Scaling to Meet Demand: Why Customer Experience Needs Modern CIAM

Throughout the pandemic, offline channels have been especially vulnerable to uncertain demand, shifting safety guidelines, and economic pressure—and as a result, customer experience (CX) now largely belongs to the virtual world. However, as customers and citizens rely increasingly on digital and remote operations, organizations will be challenged…

The Future of Customer Identity: 4 CIAM Trends to Watch Out For

Technology moves fast. You know better than anyone that the solutions that were implemented a year ago won’t necessarily work today, and that customers continuously expect more refined standards of service. To lead the pack, you need to provide customers with the right balance of usability and security—seamless, intuitive digital experiences that…

How to Build on Identity and Access Management with Zero Trust

This year, the business community was forced to adapt to a new era of distributed work—and cyber threats have adapted right along with them. Between unsecured home WiFi networks and the rise in personal devices accessing company resources, the opportunities for data theft have risen as teams have dispersed. Implementing robust identity and access…

For Better Customer Experiences, Evolve and Deliver with Speed

Throughout COVID-19, businesses have not only had to manage immediate disruptions—they’ve also had to try to anticipate what’s next. The pandemic has upset supply chains, restricted in-person services, and bottlenecked customer interactions on online channels. But with chaos, there’s often opportunity to be found. When it comes to digital customer…

Cloud Security Basics, Best Practices & Implementation

Cloud security is a set of controls, policies, procedures, and technologies that protect data, infrastructure, and systems that are stored in cloud environments.  Cloud security measures give businesses the processes and tools they need to keep their data safe, meet their regulatory compliance requirements, protect their customers’ privacy, and…
