Customers + Partners

Customers + Partners

Ready, Set, Go Celebrate! Announcing Our Oktane Award Finalists

Part of what makes Oktane so special is that we get to highlight the groundbreaking people and companies in our industry. And we are very lucky that many of those innovators happen to be our fabulous customers. The Oktane Awards recognize our inspiring and forward-thinking customers that are achieving ground-breaking results with Okta. These IT…

What Fuels an Oilfield Services Company? The Cloud, of Course.

Most people think of the Old West and 200 foot-high gushers when oilfields are mentioned, but Seventy Seven Energy Systems Architect Chris Dodds thinks of cloud solutions and identity management. When Oklahoma-based oilfield services company Seventy Seven Energy spun off from Chesapeake Energy almost two years ago, Chris Dodds and his team were…

Provisioning is a Win Win for Lucid Software

Interested in how Okta works with cloud app vendors to enable the latest in advanced user provisioning? Or are you curious to get an insider’s take on our new provisioning developer program? We recently chatted with Rob Christiansen, director of product management at Lucid Software, to understand why Lucid chose to work with Okta to enable user…

Connect, Collaborate, Create the Next Big Thing with Okta and Box Platform

As enterprises continue to go digital, they’ll be looking for new opportunities to interact and integrate in order to create better experiences for employees, customers and partners. Together, Okta and Box’s platforms enable organizations and developers to build best-in-class identity and content collaboration into their applications, serving as…

Managing Provisioning During Medallia’s Rapid Growth

The web is a noisy place and, despite the plethora of tools available to brands, it’s difficult for companies to solicit feedback on marketing promotions to create better messages. Okta customer Medallia was founded on a simple premise: empower companies to use the power of the Internet to deliver more meaningful messages to customers. That…

How Provisioning Improves Envoy’s Customer (and Visitor) Experience

We recently launched a program to help ISVs and developers build provisioning into their apps based on the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. We wanted to hear from ISVs who see the benefit of adopting user management standards like SCIM, so we chatted with Eric Crane, a product manager at Envoy, about the value Envoy saw…

Ready. Set. Go!: REA Group’s Damian Fasciani on Why You Should Join Us at Oktane16

Last year at Oktane15, we were joined by more than one thousand customers, partners and developers with our “Onward” theme and rallying cry. This year at Oktane16, it’s all about “Ready. Set. Go” and celebrating where our customers and their organizations have gone We’ll be hosting our most exciting event yet in August with over 2000 attendees,…
