Company + Product

Company + Product

Who Even Uses Safe Deposit Boxes Anymore?

Recently ZDNet blogger Phil Wainewright published a post entitled “Safe-deposit box SaaS” comparing the disadvantages shared between private SaaS instances and safe deposit boxes at any bank. While comical in nature, this comparison rings true, and Phil makes a number of valid points on the similarities between the two. In the post, he lists out…

Cloud Computing is Taking Off: The Top 8 Insights from Morgan Stanley's Recent Cloud Computing Report

Morgan Stanley came out with a their latest research report on cloud computing. It’s a 100+ page document – plus four pages of disclaimers and disclosures! – so in the interest of time, I’ll take you quickly through what I think are top ideas worth discussion. Key takeaway? It's a new world and cloud is here to stay. - Economics in the Cloud…

Public or Private Cloud? Either Way, It’s All About App Security recently ran an interesting story on public vs. private clouds and the importance of cloud security. The article quotes Chris Swan, UBS’ security CTO, on the limitations of the public cloud in the enterprise. Swan predicts the emergence of private clouds, tailored to particular industries, which will compete with the public cloud for the…

Are Your Employees' Gaming Passwords Putting Your Enterprise at Risk?

So we learned last week that hackers successfully broke into one of Electronic Arts' systems, accessing a slew of users’ personal information, including email and mailing addresses, phone numbers and birth dates. The breach raises concerns about password security in the enterprise, especially as the consumerization of IT sees employees bringing…

Cloud Security: In the news...again?

Dropbox’s password breach last weekend and the initial word that it left its 25 million users exposed and caused quite a lot of great conversations around cloud security. And for good reason, especially given consumers’ expectation of security with the data they entrust to the service. But while Dropbox is predominantly a consumer application, the…

Cloud: Death of the PC…Birth of Identity!

Richard Waters and Chris Nattal over at The Financial Times just wrote a nice article entitled Cloud threatens to end PC’s reign looking at the impact cloud services adoption is having on the PC. They do a great job pointing out that in this “post-PC” era, sales of PCs are still at 400m units annually and growing, but at the same time we are…

We just keep going and going and going

Interesting post from on the cloud downtime dilemma from Software Advice. It cites a Radicati Group study, which found that among popular on-premise email systems, there was an average of 30-60 minutes of unscheduled downtime per month, in addition to the 36-90 minutes of scheduled downtime – so between 66-120 minutes of total downtime per month…

Extending Active Directory to the Cloud

Next week we’ll be hosting a webinar with our friends over at Rackspace about extending Active Directory to the cloud on Thursday, May 5th at 9AM PDT. In addition to an overview of the benefits of integrating cloud/SaaS apps to Active Directory, the webinar will also discuss different ways to deliver it, including: * Vendor APIs from apps like…

We have some great customers

We announced some of our latest customers today, including AppDynamics, Drobo, Farm Credit Services of Mid-America, Rypple, and WhitePages. And we can’t help but brag – but our customers are some of the most innovative companies on the market today. Drobo is the maker of award-winning storage products that combine data protection, affordable…

Great People and Great Feedback at BigIdeas 2010

In taking a moment to gather thoughts as the BigIdeas Conference wraps ups here in Chicago, it’s clear that we had a great show. Two of the themes of the show were “customer success” and “have fun” and the BigMachines folks really delivered on both aspects. First, it’s cool to work with great partners like BigMachines who build products that…
