Company + Product

Company + Product

Time for Enterprise IT to Embrace B.Y.O.D.

The New York Times’ Verne Kopytoff wrote this week about the proliferation of employees’ personal mobile devices in business and how once-resistant IT departments are starting to embrace the change. Kopytoff is quick to point out that IT departments’ change in tack has been forced by a variety of factors, notably employee complaints about inferior…

Constellation Research Recognizes Innovation in Enterprise Cloud

We’re excited to share that Enterasys, one of our earliest customers, has been named a semifinalist – rather, a Protostar – in Constellation Research’s Inaugural Supernova Awards. Ben Doyle, the director of IT at Enterasys, a global provider of end-to-end enterprise communications, is one of 29 individuals selected from a pool of more than 70…

The Anatomy of a SaaS Reseller

We recently signed up our first official reseller. We partnered with a company named Cloud Sherpas, one of Google’s top resellers. Although we’ve only been working together for a month, the relationship is off to a great start as we’ve been able to train and integrate our sales and support processes and have a healthy pipeline building. Through my…

What IT Needs to Know to Not Become Irrelevant

The cloud’s upending old world IT, forcing modern departments to rethink how they view themselves and their role within their business — or risk irrelevancy. Here are a few suggestions for how IT can change tack to adapt and regain influence: Users Are Always Right In our business, the customer is always right. In a world where the job of running…

This Week in the Cloud: The ‘All Cloud’ Vision; Benioff Chimes in on the Public/Private Debate

Now that Dreamforce (and summer) is behind us, it’s back to reality. Here’s a look at some of the week’s cloud stories that caught our eye: Cloud Forcing IT’s Hand ITBusinessEdge’s Mike Vizard recently wrote a telling piece on how the cloud’s forcing IT departments to modernize. Vizard explains how a well-thought-out cloud implementation can save…

No More ‘Dr. No’: A New Helpful, Empowered IT

The cloud is certainly impacting IT’s role in business, as departments grapple with the influx of cloud applications in the enterprise. In a recent post in CIO, Bernard Golden does a nice job articulating how the cloud is changing IT’s role in the enterprise — and how the cloud presents a tremendous opportunity for IT to remake itself into the…

Talking Cloud with our Investors

I recently sat down with two of Okta's investors, Ben Horowitz (Andreessen Horowitz) and David Weiden (Khosla Ventures), to talk all things cloud: the biggest opportunities they see in the space, what it means for business, what's next and why Okta's such a great investment. The consensus of the conversation? The cloud is dramatically impacting…

Last Week in the Cloud: Is It Just Too Easy to Implement Cloud Applications?

We noticed lots of chatter last week about the rise of cloud adoption and how easy implementations (or so they seem at the time) often create problems down the road. It’s true, of course, but nothing that can’t be solved with an empowered IT department steering the ship. SaaS Adoption on a Tear: Hollis Tibbetts wrote in ebizQ about how cloud…

We have a [cloud] app for that...

InformationWeek’s Michael Biddick expresses the frustrations of many in modern IT trying to navigate a complex environment that often includes a mix of on-premise software and cloud applications. In the article, Biddick offers a clear explanation about how we got to this point: Enterprises’ struggle to successfully integrate on-premise and cloud…

This Week in the Cloud: The Cloud Hits Mars; More on the Public/Private Debate

Here’s our roundup of the week’s biggest cloud stories: Private Clouds Just Aren’t Worth the Trouble InformationWeek’s Jonathan Feldman wrote some spot-on analysis last weekend explaining why the private cloud is just not practical for most businesses. In Feldman’s view, implementation snags are the crux of the problem. He writes: “There's…
