Company + Product

Company + Product

The Cloud Effect: Creating a New Class of IT Pros

As 2011 comes to a close, it’s clear that cloud computing will soon be ubiquitous across the enterprise. As IT departments adopt the technology, they must also adapt their roles and responsibilities in order to manage the business’ cloud services for security, stability and productivity reasons. We’ve been doing a lot of thinking around the idea…

Okta Self Service: Helping IT Delight End Users 1,200 Apps at a Time

Okta Application Network – Addressing the Connector Problem One of the key challenges for IT in the identity management space has been dealing with what is known as the “connecter problem”. Basically, IT has always been challenged with managing the single sign-on integrations for all of their apps, as those apps change over time. Applications…

Modern CIO Must Keep a Close Eye on Cloud’s Behavior

Earlier this week on the Okta blog we talked about how the cloud is molding a new kind of CIO and IT leadership team. With greater cloud standardization and adoption processes across the enterprise, IT must empower employees through well-managed and secure app access. Part of what this new role for IT will look like is cloud management. Cloud…

Okta ‘App of the Week’: Savvy Travel & Expense Management with Concur

Concur is not your typical SaaS company. For one thing, they’re not a startup. Founded in 1993, Concur provides travel and expense management software to thousands of businesses around the world. And the company continues to innovate and evolve its business management offerings. Today, Concur offers mobile and online solutions to help companies…

How the Cloud’s Molding the Next-Generation CIO

Joe McKendrick, writing for Forbes, offered an interesting take on how CIOs and their IT departments, at least those who embrace the change the cloud has brought to IT, directly benefit from cloud adoption. McKendrick writes: But rather than replace IT jobs, cloud may be having another effect. In many cases, it is elevating the role of IT-savvy…

Last Week in the Cloud: Remaking the Enterprise

Another big week in cloud news, but the story this time around is how cloud apps are having a huge impact on the enterprise – including the devices they use and the benefits they see – and how that's changing the predictions being made for 2012. 2011: Cloud Apps Meet Enterprise Standard IDC, Gartner, Forrester – the 2012 predictions for cloud…

T.D. Williamsom’s Cloud-First IT Approach at Gartner’s IAM Summit

Rick Bennett, the CIO at our customer T.D. Williamson (TDW), spoke at Gartner’s Identity & Access Management Summit earlier this month in San Diego. The companies attending tended to be larger Global 2000 organizations with cloud adoption at various stages of maturity ranging from a handful of cloud-first companies (TDW among them) and many…

Obvious Passwords and Not-so-Obvious Startup Businesses

No turkey related cloud news last week (though we did spend some time during the holiday turning the Google turkey into a pirate), so we turn to two other interesting stories: cloud SaaS momentum and a roundup of the weakest online passwords -- and how password fatigue exposes businesses to security breaches. Starting a Cloud Business? Forget…

Last Week In the Cloud: Salesforce Acquisitions and Global Cloud Growth

In the past couple of months, cloud computing has come to be lauded as a driver for U.S. jobs and economic growth. This past week, however, put the momentum of cloud adoption into a new, broader scale. In the news this week cloud service leaders like begin to better bolster cloud architecture and streamline adoption and services,…
